Chapter 28

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Freya POV:

For a few moments, Freya thought it hadn't worked.

She still couldn't see anything except endless darkness. Pain rippled through her body, her chest, her back, her legs.

She realized that she was lying on her back on something she couldn't see. She tried to move, but her limbs wouldn't listen. She tried to open her eyes, but they seemed to be glued shut.

Whispers echoed through the darkness, too silent for Freya to understand. Then she heard Natasha's voice, silent, but clear and understandable.

"I don't want it."

Freya probably would have sobbed or screamed or cried, but she still couldn't move a single muscle in her body. So she just listened, not wanting to lose Natasha's voice again. But instead, Bucky's voice sounded in Freya's ears: "You don't have to keep sitting here. There's nothing you can do right now."

"Can you leave us alone?", Freya heard Natasha.

She didn't hear a reply from Bucky, so she assumed he must have listened to Nat.

It was silent for a few minutes. At least, that's what it felt like to Freya. Maybe it was just a few seconds, maybe it was also an hour.

Suddenly, Natasha's voice sounded in Freya's ear again, clearer than before. "I am so sorry, Freya", she said and Freya just wanted to hug her at this pain in her voice. "It was my fault."

No, no it wasn't! Freya wanted to scream, but she had no other choice than staying silent, thrashing against those walls that kept her contained.

"I shouldn't have... I was so selfish", Natasha continued and again, Freya had no other choice than staying silent, shouting in her mind: No, you weren't!

"It was too fast, I should have... I should have stopped when you told me to, this would've never happened. I am sorry."

No, Nat, don't be sorry, you didn't do anything!

"You... I am..."  Freya heard Natasha swallow. "I wish I never said anything. You would have been... happy. Not like... that."

This time, even Freya's mind stayed silent. How painful was it for Natasha to see her destroyed body in front of her?

"You will maybe never fly again." A sob sounded through this darkness, followed by a few seconds of silence. Then her voice was steadier, louder again. "Listen, Freya, I know you can hear me wherever you are right now."

I am right here!

"I just want you to know that I don't blame you. It was not your fault. And what I said before didn't change. I still love you and this will never change, no matter what happens. And I want you to fight, because... I don't know if I can live without you."

Freya heard her shifting in her seat, heard her clothes rustle before she felt Natasha's cold hand in her own.

"You will never hurt me again, you will never lose control again. I promise."

She would have smiled, for that woman who loved her so passionately, but she just laid there, hoping that she wouldn't break that promise. She could swear her fingers twitched a bit.

"I love you." Freya felt Natasha's lips smudging hot blood on her forehead as she kissed her. "And I'm gonna stay with you, no matter what."

I love you too.

Freya's mind drifted into unconsciousness again.

When she woke up again, she was moving, voices shouting around her. She still couldn't move and could only see darkness. But she felt the thing she was lying on moving, she heard people around her talking with loud voices. Out of all that noise, she could hear Natasha's voice shouting: "Bruce! BRUCE!"

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