Chapter 57

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Freya ducked her head, shielding her eyes against the blinding light that erupted from Thanos. When she opened her eyes again, the gauntlet was smoking and the stones not glowing anymore.

"What did you do?", Thor shouted. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

But Thanos merely looked down at his chest, at the axe still embedded in it, and in a cloud of swirling blue, he disappeared, leaving the axe to fall to the ground, purple blood coating it.

With shaking legs, Freya stood up, holding the still bleeding wound on her ribs. Why didn't it stop bleeding?

She limped over to where Wanda was kneeling next to Vision's colourless body, and she kneeled down next to her. "I am so sorry", she whispered and put a hand on Wanda's shoulder.

Wanda closed her eyes, tears dropping onto the ground, and she didn't even look up when Steve came rushing towards them.

"Where did he go?", he asked, stopping in front of Thor. "Where did he go?"


Every head turned to where Bucky was tumbling towards the clearing, looking at his own hands. His eyes met Steve's and then he stumbled forward - and collapsed into ashes.

Something between a sob and a yelp of surprise came out of Freya and she clutched her hand to her mouth as she watched Steve slowly kneeling down to touch the ground where Bucky had been just a second ago.

Far away on the battlefield, Freya heard the shouting and screaming of the fallen and their surprised friends.

Tears dropped from her face as she saw a glimpse of Sam's face between the trees and how it disappeared. Only a second later, Rhodey was standing over the place where Sam laid, calling his name.

"No", Natasha breathed. Freya hadn't even noticed that she stood next to her.

Freya squeezed Wanda's shoulder, looking for some comfort, an anchor- but instead, she gripped into nothing, her hand only gliding through air.

"Wanda." Freya's shout came out as a sob as she looked at the pile of dirt slowly settling on the ground. "No, no, no, not you too."

But the ashes didn't answer.

Sobs shook her body and she raised her finger to her lips, kissing it once before lowering it to the ashes. "I'm so sorry", she whispered.

"Freya." At Natasha's, voice, Freya turned around, a new rush of panic surging through her. But her girlfriend was still there, alive and whole, now kneeling next to her. She opened her arms and Freya gladly leaned into them.

She closed her eyes as the tears dropped to the ground, the exhaustion and pain in her body almost making her pass out. But she had to stay here, couldn't just leave as everyone else did. She couldn't leave Natasha, not now.

So she concentrated on Natasha instead, letting her thoughts be her anchor to this world. This is all my fault. I didn't stop him, I could have - I should have.

"It wasn't your fault", Freya whispered, still not letting Natasha go.

"It wasn't yours either", Natasha answered, having guessed Freya's own feelings.

She could have done something, she should have thought this through. If she didn't use her powers so much in the beginning, if she planned this better, if she had been more careful -

A sudden wave of dizziness overcame her and she stumbled back out of Natasha's arms, standing up. But everything felt so heavy, her wings felt like metal on her back, pulling her back down.

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