Chapter 3

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In her dream, Freya was in her old school in Sokovia. It wasn't a very big school, as not many children went there.

She was walking through the hallways, looking into the classrooms. But they were all empty. She walked stairs up and down, looking for anyone there.

She heard voices, but she couldn't understand what they were saying. Freya started to run, opening doors and closing them again, running through the same hallways again and again.

She opened the door of a classroom she has looked in over four times, but this time it was completely white and empty, a huge contrast to the normally brown tables and chairs and the green colour that already peeled of the walls.
She slowly walked in when suddenly a table appeared in the middle of the room, with four persons sitting around it. Freya almost screamed when she recognized her family.

It was like a moment in time. Her mother and father were sitting on one side of the table, Pietro, and Wanda opposite them. They looked like nine or ten now, so it must have happened a few years ago.

Freya slowly walked around them, close to tears. She stopped next to Pietro, looking at his face, then at Wanda's. They have grown so big!

"My little monsters", Freya whispered and stroked Pietro's cheek.
She walked over to her mother.

"I'm sorry, mum", she whispered. "I disappointed you. Please forgive me."

Freya leaned forward and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. A high pitched scream made Freya look up, alarmed. She ran out of the room and suddenly she woke up, wet from her sweat.

One of the doctors told Freya that it wasn't sweat but water because she was covered in her own blood so the doctors washed her.

Freya looked at herself and recognized many new cuts at her arms, legs and chest, as if her skin ripped open.

As she looked around, she saw that she was still in the room where the experiment took place, and also the doctors were still all there, so Freya probably wasn't unconscious very long.

She tried to stand up, but she felt very dizzy, so she sat down again, hoping that no one saw her failed attempt.

Strucker walked towards her, a notebook in his hands.
"Good news, Miss Maximoff", he said. "You survived."

"Thanks, I noticed that too", Freya said with clenched teeth, trying to ignore the pain that still streamed through her whole body.

"Second good news", Strucker went on, "You have new powers."

Freya frowned. "Which ones?"

"Well, one you can see like that. Look in the mirror" He pointed to a man-sized mirror in the corner of the room and took a few steps backward.

Freya stood up and took a few deep breaths to control her dizziness before she walked towards the mirror. What she saw made her jaw drop.

Wings. Huge black wings. Freya carefully pulled at one of the feathers and she actually felt it!
"They are real", she whispered.

She flapped her wings two times, three times, and the next moment she floated ten centimeters above the ground. She let out a small laugh.

Carefully Freya landed again, and realization hit her like a brick: She will now never have a normal life. She knew that before because she also went through the graduation ceremony, but now ...

Before, Freya was just not able to have kids. But now she wasn't able to have any family, a partner, friends, someone. Even if she would go back to her family, they wouldn't accept her. She was a mutation. A monster.

Yes, Strucker made a monster out of her. Freya just wished for her wings to disappear, for everything bad she did to disappear so she can have a normal life again.

Suddenly her wings - they really just disappeared. Freya's mouth was wide open while she turned around, when she saw something black on her neck.

She took off her shirt, ignoring the embarrassed looks of the others, and looked at the huge wing-shaped tattoo that stretched over her whole back. She thought of her wings back and they appeared again.

"How...", she whispered. Freya could have stood there the whole day, trying it out again and again, but Strucker interrupted her.

"Miss Maximoff, if you could please take on your shirt and follow me, so I can show you your other powers."

Freya did and followed him out of the room in a completely empty one  with a window on one side of the room. She couldn't look outside, but she guessed that even if she tried she would only find another room with people watching her. Before Freya could react, Strucker went out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Freya rushed towards it and shook the handle, but it was hopeless.

She looked around and heard Strucker's voice echoing through the room.

"So, in this room, you can try out your new powers safely, without hurting anyone or anything getting in your way."

"What are my powers?", Freya screamed into the room.

"The control over the four elements, water, fire, earth, and air. Now try it out!"

She stared into the room for a second, processing what she just heard. Power over the four elements... That's too much. Too much power a single person should have.

Freya shook her head and concentrated on water first. She held out her hand and suddenly a jet of black water burst out of her hand. She was shocked, took a few steps backward and the water disappeared. Freya shook her head in disbelief and took a deep breath.

She tried to concentrate on air and a black shadow-like wind floated through the room and made her hair fly in front of her face. Freya even let out a little laugh.

Next was earth. First only dirt appeared in her hand but as she concentrated more, whole stones appeared and the floor began too rumble. Freya could feel her face light up. How could something so dangerous and disgusting be so fascinating?

The fire-power is the one that scared her the most. The moment the small black flame appeared at the tip of her finger she shook her hand so the flame went out again.

It looked exactly like the fire in her dream, where the flying city exploded in black fire.

She shook her head and shouted: "Am I done?"

The voice of Strucker shouted back. "Yes, thank you, Miss Maximoff."

The door opened and Freya rushed out until Strucker grabbed her shoulders.

"Come on", he said, "I will take you to your room."

Freya frowned, fearing what he'll say next. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, did you think you are free to go? I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay here. For training."

All the hope Freya had on her way to Strucker disappeared, as she thought about his unspoken sentence. So she won't hurt anyone. She was getting locked up like a wild animal, too dangerous to be free.

Maybe she was exactly that... A dangerous animal. But she knew she could also make that her strength.

MONSTER  --- natasha romanoff x fem ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora