Chapter 53

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An hour later, the Compound came into view beneath the jet and Freya felt her intestines tense at the sight of the familiar building. So much time had passed since she'd seen it for the last time. So much had changed.

They were all already standing at the ramp of the jet, Vision now only leaning on Sam, when Steve landed the jet and the ramp opened to the huge garden of the Compound. Freya took a deep breath before taking a step off the ramp, and then another. Her leather boots squeaked in the wet grass as they made their way to the front doors.

The hallways were empty and their footsteps echoed through the huge building, the lamps on the ceiling lightening up as they pass. After a minute, in which no one said a word, they turned around a corner and saw light already lit in the conference room at the end of the corridor. Even though they were still several feet away, Freya could already hear silent voices speaking inside.

"If it wouldn't be for those accords, Vision would be right here", the first voice, Rhodey, said.

"I remember your signatures on those papers, Colonel", another voice replied - unmistakably Secretary Ross, probably on a call with Rhodey. Freya heard Natasha swallow next to her and she grabbed Natasha's hand, squeezing it slightly as if asking: Are you okay? Natasha squeezed back in a silent reply. I guess so.

"That's right", Rhodey went on. "And I'm pretty sure I paid for that."

"You have second thoughts?", Ross asked.

"Not anymore." Rhodey turned around to Steve and the rest behind him coming towards the glass door of the conference room which opened when they came closer.

Ross also turned his head - Freya was right, he was on a call with Rhodey, simply a hologram standing in the room - and he took in the group entering the room. His gaze lingered on Natasha and he said: "You got some nerve, I'll give you that."

Natasha gripped Freya's hand tighter but held her stare with Secretary Ross. "You could use some of that right now."

Ross turned away from her and now faced Steve. "The world is on fire. And you think all is forgiven?"

"I'm not looking for forgiveness", Steve answered, his face an unreadable mask. "And I'm past asking for permission."

For a second, Freya wished that Ross would actually be here and not hundreds of miles away, just so that she could read his mind and find out his thoughts right now.

"Earth just lost her best defender", Steve continued. "So we're here to fight." He took a step forward. "And if you wanna stand in our way, we'll fight you too."

Slowly, Ross turned around to Rhodey, still standing with his arms crossed, something like black bands around his legs. "Arrest them", Ross ordered.

"All over it." Rhodey swiped over Ross's hologram, ending the call, and Ross disappeared. A few seconds passed in which no one said a thing. Then Rhodey broke the silence. "That's a court-martial." But then a smile broke out on his face. "Good to see you, Cap."

"You too, Rhodey", Steve answered and stepped forward, shaking Rhodey's hand. Natasha and Freya followed and both hugged Rhodey, before stepping back next to the others.

When they were done, Rhodey let out a sigh. "Wow, you guys... really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years."

"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five stars", Sam answered.

"Uh, I think you look great", someone else said from the other end of the room. All heads turned to the door and the person standing there, wearing torn, way too big clothes.

MONSTER  --- natasha romanoff x fem ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang