Chapter 6

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Freya's dream started in the air and she was falling. She looked around, confused, and tried to conjure her wings and spread them but nothing happened.

Panic streamed through her veins and she struggled to get enough air.

She broke through the clouds and saw a big city coming closer and closer. She screamed but no one could save her.

She was only five feet from the ground when the dream changed.

Freya blinked, surprised by the bright sunlight.
She looked around and saw nothing but sand everywhere. There weren't even dunes or something, just sand and more sand.

She looked up again and immediately took a few steps back. There wasn't a sun in the sky.
It was a huge eye, watching her from above.
Freya walked around, trying to find a place to hide from the judging look of the eye. But it was just sand, no place to hide, no cave, no anything.

She got down on her knees, breathing heavily, and tried to dig a hole in the sand but it wouldn't work. As soon as her hands touched the sand it hardened like stone and she couldn't do anything with it.

She stood up and looked up at the eye, her face wet from her sweat.

"What do you want?", Freya screamed, but the eye didn't answer. How could it, it was an eye, it didn't have a mouth. It just blinked down at her, the green iris shining.

Freya turned around and ran, but after two minutes she already broke down from exhaustion. While running it felt like the sand was sucking at her feet, trying to drown her.
She looked at the eye again which was observing everything she did.

"Leave me alone!", Freya screamed. The eye looked at her, blinked and disappeared, leaving her in darkness.

Freya woke up in a hospital room in Strucker's warehouse. She tried to sit up, but the room started spinning so she laid back again.

A sharp pain made her look down at her chest. She lifted her shirt and saw white bandages, which were already red from her blood.

Freya's stomach started turning, so she let her shirt fall again and laid back into the soft pillow, thinking about her strange dream.

Nightmares often showed what she feared. And Freya always hated being observed, being judged and watched, but she never thought about it as a fear.
Is it even a fear? The fear of being... what? Stalked?

But the feeling that she had in the dream when she couldn't escape the judging look of the eye, was awful. It felt like a mixture of desperation, fear, and helplessness.
And in the end, it just disappeared when she told it to.

Freya started to think about what that dream could have meant when Strucker opened the door.

"I was in the control room when I saw you waking up and I came as fast as I can."

He sat down on a chair next to the bed she was lying in and watched her for a few seconds. Freya looked him in the eyes, waiting.
Finally, he said: "I want to talk to you."

Well, I have no other choice than listening, I can't go anywhere, Freya thought but she bit her tongue and just nodded.

"What you did wasn't right, I hope you know that", Strucker continued. She simply nodded again.

"I didn't give you the powers without a reason." He pointed to the black wings folded under Freya. "And when I chose you to be the first one to do this experiment I thought you would be honored and thankful."

"I am honored and I am also thankful that I was allowed to have that powers", Freya tried to excuse herself, "and I am very sorry about what happened with the scepter. I know it's my fault, but I can guarantee you, that will never happen again."

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