Chapter 15

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Everything stopped rumbling and the shield of fire disappeared.

Freya blinked away the black dots in front of her eyes and looked around.

They were in a kind of cave out of loose rocks so it was almost completely dark. Freya lifted her wings and saw that Steve and Natasha were unharmed, but both were coughing due to the dirt.

With loud grunting and groaning, Freya managed to get a stone in front of her out of the way - and look up at the clear sky. By the looks of it, it must be around 3 in the morning.

"Are you all right, Freya? You are so pale", Natasha whispered behind her and Freya turned around.

This quick movement made her head spin and for a moment she thought she would pass out. But after a second it was gone again and she said: "No, I'm fine. It was just... I'm fine."

She turned around again and was about to step out of the cave when she heard a silent gasp behind her.

"You're not, Freya, you're bleeding!", Steve shouted.

Because of the adrenaline, Freya didn't notice before but now she felt the sharp pain in her back.

She turned her head and tried to see her back and saw blood streaming out of her wing and her shoulder.

"I probably got hit by a rock, it's nothing."

Steve looked like he wanted to say something but Freya said: "Sshh."

She looked up and saw at least five planes - SHIELD - flying above them.

"We need to go!", Freya said and followed Steve and Natasha out of the cave.

With every step a sharp pain spread through her body, starting from her right shoulder and wing. She felt the consciousness leaving her body but she kept walking.

After what seemed like an eternity they reached the car and with a silent groan she sat down on the backseat.

On the whole drive, Freya didn't speak much.
Natasha asked a few times if she was sure that she was all right, but Freya told her that due to her powers she healed faster and better. Which was true. But she didn't tell her that the wound was too big and Freya had already lost much blood and that, without any medical treatment, she would be dead in a few hours.

You are just avoiding facing the inevitable, said this stupid voice in her head.

Shut the hell up, Freya answered and blocked out the voice.

She asked Steve a few times where he was driving but he just answered he knew a safe place.

In the early morning, the car stopped in front of a small house in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, with only a few other houses around. So, perfect.

Steve and Natasha got out of the car and with more pain, Freya followed them.

Her vision was blurred and red and black dots danced in front of her eyes.

Steve knocked on the door of the house and a few seconds later Sam opened it.

Steve talked to him, but Freya couldn't hear the words that came out of his mouth.

The ground spun underneath her feet.

Somewhere in the back of her head, she heard Natasha said: "Freya? Are you all right?"

Then Steve shouting: "She needs medical treatment, she lost a lot of blood."

"I'm fine", Freya said and in the next second she passed out.

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