Chapter 63

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The next day, Rhodey called them. This wasn't something unusual, he checked in almost every week, updating them aboutanything that was happening with the governments, or just to chat.

But this time, already when his hologram popped up in the middle of the living room, Freya noticed that something was different.

"Hey Rhodey, what is it?", Natasha asked and got closer to him, also noticing the change in his face.

"Uhm..." Rhodey looked around, seemingly uncomfortable. "Have you seen the news today?"

Freya looked at Natasha and shook her head. "No, not today. Why?"

"There has been a murder. Somewhere in Japan. They found over a dozen dead bodies."

"What does that have to do with us?", Natasha asked and crossed her arms. "There are always murders happening, what's special about this one?"

"It wasn't just this one. There has been multiple murders in many different countries in Asia. And I found out who it was." Rhodey tapped on his tablet and showed a blurry picture of a man with a black hood and mask. Freya was barely able to make out his eyes, but something inside her stirred.

"Who is that?", she asked.

"You won't like the answer."

"Stop playing, Rhodey, tell us", Natasha urged him.

"He calls himself Ronin now and seems to want to avenge his family, who all got snapped by Thanos."

"Oh God", Freya whispered, realising who it was. She knew those eyes. She knew whose whole family got snapped by Thanos. And with a look in Natasha's mind she knew that she knew as well.

"It's Clint", Rhodey said, confirming their thoughts.

Natasha shook her head. "No, Clint wouldn't, it's not him", she said, but Freya knew that she didn't really believe it.

"I'm sorry, Nat", Rhodey said. "It's him, I checked multiple times. I'm really sorry, I know how much he means to you."

Natasha leaned forward and Freya opened her arms, embracing her. Natasha's deep breaths trembled through her whole body and Freya stroked over her hair while looking at Rhodey. "Can you keep us updated on that?", she asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll leave you alone now." He waved and a second later he was gone.

"Hey, Nat", Freya said, still holding Natasha in her arms. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Always ask whether she wants to talk about something, don't force her to do so. That's what Carol always said.

"Why would he do such a thing?", Natasha whispered and Freya felt her whole body tensing at what she said next: "Why would Clint kill so many innocent people?"

"He's heartbroken."

"We all are." Natasha pushed herself upright again and looked at Freya. "We don't run around killing people. Because we know it won't change a thing." That's when Freya noticed the change in her voice. She was shocked, overwhelmed with what they just found out. But now she was angry. "So many people on this planet, in this universe, lost people dearest to them. Hell, we lost many people close to us, family, whether by blood or not. Why is he doing that?"

"I don't know", Freya admitted. "People change when going through something like that."

"But we didn't change to someone like that!", Natasha shouted and as soon as she realised how loud she'd been, she added more silently: "Why him, Freya? He isn't like that."

"He loved his family more than anything in the world. During his two years of house arrest they were the only people he saw everyday. And he was always the type of person to do anything for his family."

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