Chapter 42

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It was past 10 pm when Freya went back to her room. She almost wanted to sleep in Wanda's room, but Wanda insisted that Freya would leave her alone for a while. They just sat there and talked, until Wanda said that she had an idea and left the room.

"Where the hell did you find DVDs in this place?", Freya asked as Wanda came back, a DVD box under her arm.

"I asked Dr Banner", she said. "I didn't think that he would find it, but he did." She held up the box and Freya's mouth opened in shock.

"You still watch Dick Van Dyke?", she asked and grabbed the box, reading the back.

"We always watched it when Papa came home", Wanda explained. "Pietro used to be annoyed because we watched it almost every evening." When she said their brother's name, her eyes went glassy as if she was seeing him in her mind. Freya waited and didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt Wanda's thoughts.

"Well." Wanda shook her head. "Shall we watch an episode?"

"Why don't we watch two?", Freya asked back.

"Sounds great to me."

They ended up watching nine episodes and Freya barely felt the time passing. Watching the series of her childhood with her sister next to her felt like a dream and Freya was scared that she would wake up and realize it wasn't true. But it was true.

Now she was walking back to her room, feeling a bit better than before. She stopped in front of Natasha's room, wondering if she should knock and sleep with Nat. But then she decided to have some time alone and she walked the last few meters to her room and went inside.

When she entered, she already saw that Natasha did what she said. There were some of Freya's books on the nightstand, her drawing pad on the desk and even the wardrobe was almost full. Freya grabbed her jogging pants and a shirt and a few minutes later she fell into the bed, hoping for a good and relaxing night.

Of course, she was wrong.

In her dream, Freya was back in Strucker's facility, in the room where her experiment took place. But she wasn't alone. In front of her was a middle-aged man, the left half of his face burned off. Even though Freya couldn't remember his name, she knew who he was: He was the first person she ever killed.

"Stop", she whispered more to herself than anything, but instead the man came closer.

"You killed me. Remember?", he asked, his voice hoarse as if he was breathing in smoke. "And do you know why?" He stepped another step closer and Freya shook her head. "Yeah, me neither", the guy continued. "Strucker just wanted to see me dead because I came too close to his castle." He was now directly next to her, his mouth at Freya's ear, but she couldn't move. "I was innocent", he hissed. "We all were."

He backed away again and Freya saw that more and more people started appearing in the room. Young people, old people, over seventy people filled the seemingly small room.

"I called him a beast", a voice to Freya's left said and she flinched, looking into the face of a young woman. The youngest person Freya ever killed.

"No, I'm sorry, please stop", Freya whispered, her voice shaking, but the voices of the other people were too loud.

"I flirted with his girlfriend."

"I spilt my drink on him."

"I told my friends what he was doing here."

Freya wanted to shut those voices out, wanted to hold her hands over her ears, wanted to sink to the floor and never stand up again. But she couldn't move, couldn't do anything except watch as the mass of people came closer, suffocating her.

MONSTER  --- natasha romanoff x fem ocOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora