Chapter 37

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A minute later, Freya was already suited up and on her way to one of the guest rooms in the Tower. She didn't have much time, but she knew that she had to tell her siblings the truth. She couldn't bear it any longer.

She knocked at the door, her heart racing, and half wished that they wouldn't open. But only a second later, the door opened and Pietro stood in front of her.

"Can I help you?", he asked.

"Uh." Freya hesitated. "Can I talk with you two for a second?"

Pietro frowned but stepped aside to let Freya in.

Freya looked at Wanda, who was putting on a red leather jacket and pointed to it. "Is that Natasha's jacket?", she asked.

Wanda looked to the ground. "I didn't know", she said and started to take the jacket off, but Freya held up her hand.

"Oh, no, don't worry", she said, smiling. "You can keep it. I'll get Nat a new one."

Wanda smiled. "Thanks."

Pietro cleared his throat and stepped next to his sister. "So, you wanted to talk with us?", he said.

"Oh, yeah." Freya looked at them. Her siblings. Her little monsters. She shook her head. "I don't even know where to begin. Uhm..."

The twins looked at each other. For a second, Freya only watched them, the last remaining part of her family. Tears started filling her eyes.

"You..." She swallowed a few times and exhaled. "Strucker made an experiment with you, didn't he?"

"Yeah", Wanda said slowly.

"He did it on me as well." Freya looked down at her hand and let a small flame appear. She clenched her fist and it disappeared. Freya looked up again. "Why do you think we three are the only survivors? I mean, you two are twins, it's logical that both of you survived it. But why me?"

The twins looked at her, confused. "Is this some kind of test?", Pietro asked and came closer.

Freya laughed and shook her head. "No", she whispered and then louder: "No. But we don't have much time, so I'll just come straight to the point." She took a deep breath, a tear running down her cheek.

"I am you sister."

She looked up at the twins, their faces more confused than shocked or surprised.

"Our sister is dead", Wanda said. "She disappeared years ago and no one ever saw her again. We ourselves saw her for the last time when we were six."

Freya looked at them, shocked. That's what they've been told? That's what they thought when Freya didn't return. "I am so sorry", she said, her voice trembling. "I broke my promise. I promised you I would come back. I promised you." Her voice broke and she held her hands to her eyes, trying to suppress her tears. When she looked back at the twins, she saw tears in their eyes as well.

Pietro came closer and raised a hand. Instinctively, Freya flinched back, but then she let him closer. He kissed his index finger - and placed it onto Freya's lips.

A sob erupted from her and tears dropped on Pietro's hand. "My little monsters", she whispered and Pietro lowered his hand.

"Freya", he said and tears ran down his face.

Now Wanda also came closer and smiled. "I thought we lost you", she whispered.

Freya looked at her. "I thought I lost you", she said.

Wanda smiled - and threw her arms around Freya. She started sobbing, tears dropping on Freya's shoulder, and at first, Freya didn't know what to do - until she opened her arms and embraced her sister.

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