Chapter 26

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Freya POV:

Death was easier than she thought.

The pain didn't last longer than a second. And then it was gone, leaving only the endless darkness.

But it was peaceful darkness. Comforting. Beautiful.

And then she saw the person in this darkness and realized that she was finally home. With her family.

She ran towards the person and stopped a few feet in front of her.

"Mum", she said and swallowed. Her mother smiled, tears in her green eyes. Freya's eyes.

Freya ran towards her, wanting to fling her arms around her, but she just fell through her like she was air. She fell face-first on the invisible floor of darkness, but no pain reached her cells. "Mum?" Freya stood up and tried to touch her again, but it didn't work. "What is happening?", she sobbed.

Her mother shook her head. "You are at the doors of Death", she said. "But you can not die."

"Wha- Mum, what do you mean?", Freya asked.

"You are still breathing. You are still alive. And we want you to fight."

"We? Do you mean Dad? And Wanda and Pietro? Where are they? And why do you want me to fight, what should I fight for?"

She realized another person behind her mother and tried to run towards him, but an invisible wall held her back. "Dad!", she shouted and pounded against this wall.

"You are not supposed to die like that", her father said, his dark eyes shining in the darkness.

"Why don't you want me to come with you?"

"You have a life, people that love you."

"Who? Who is left to love me? You are all dead!"

Her father smiled. "You know who."

"I-" Freya shook her head. "I almost killed her. I did this to protect her."

Her mum waved with her arm and a picture appeared in the darkness, showing Freya's lifeless - or apparently not lifeless - body lying in a pile of rubble. She swallowed at the sight of her destroyed body, the crushed wings underneath.

Natasha entered the room and Freya let out a small gasp, mixed with a sob. Her arms were bandaged, her hand was shaking and in her eyes, Freya saw nothing but fear.

Behind her, Bucky entered the room, looking as exhausted as Natasha. He pointed to the ceiling and said something Freya couldn't hear.

Then Natasha's eyes fell on Freya's body and she let out a scream so horrifying - Freya would never forget it.

She ran over to the body, still screaming Freya's name, begging her to come back.

Tears rolled over Freya's cheeks as she watched Natasha helplessly. She wanted to scream, shout, that she was here, but something inside her held her back.

Her mother waved again and the picture disappeared, but the scream still stayed in Freya's brain.

"She..." Freya swallowed. "She shouldn't be here."

"But she is", her mum said. "Because she loves you and knows that it wasn't your fault."

"But don't you want me to be here with you and Wanda and Pietro?", Freya asked.

"They are not here", her father answered.

"Wait." Freya hesitated and thought for a second. "I'm at the doors of Death. So why are you here? You are dead, you should be... wherever you go after you die. They are probably there, right?"

Her father stayed silent. Instead, another voice echoed through the darkness.

"Please, Freya, you can't leave me alone", Natasha whispered.

"What?" Freya looked around bewildered.

"Don't leave me, you are the only one I have left."

"Nat, no!", Freya shouted into the darkness. She turned to her parents again. "Why... I hurt her, I did it for her, so she would be free of me!"

"She doesn't want to be free of you", her mother said calmly.

"I would only kill her again. I saw how she looked at me! She is scared of me! She doesn't and shouldn't love a monster like me!" She shouted the last words and let herself fall onto the invisible floor. "I'm tired of fighting!", she screamed. "I'm done!"

"Bucky, get her into the Quinjet!", she heard Natasha's voice, but she ignored it and looked up at her parents. She reached out her hand towards her mother, wanting to touch her, feel her again, for the first time after almost fifteen years. And she did. She could actually feel her mother's warm skin under her hand.

"NO!", she heard Natasha's scream. "She doesn't breath! Freya! FREYA! Come back!"

"No", Freya said and shook her head, still holding her mother's hand. "Mum, I don't know if I can do this."

"You can", her mother said and smiled down at her. "You have been a fighter your whole life. If you don't want to fight for yourself, do it for her and your siblings."

"What do you mean?", Freya said the same as Natasha screamed: "Give it to me! GIVE ME THE DEFIBRILLATOR! SHE'S DEAD!"

"Fight!", her parents shouted and her mother's arm turned to air again.

"Freya, no! Don't be dead, don't be dead!"

"NAT!", Freya shouted and ripped herself out of the darkness into the light of life again.

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