Chapter 45

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thank you so much for 200k, i love you all so much <3

Freya closed the door to the conference room behind her and turned around to Natasha. "What was that all about?", she asked. "Are you thinking about signing this thing?"

Natasha looked her in the eyes. "Like I already said, if we sign this we can gain the trust of the government and after a while, they trust us enough to let us do stuff on our own, we just-"

"Are you seriously saying that we should give up years of our freedom just so that the government trusts us again?" Freya started pacing around the hallway, her heart racing. "All my life, all I wanted was to be free. I wasn't free in the Red Room, or during the experiments, or with Strucker. Here, I am free. And now they are trying to take that freedom away from us!"

"They are not taking away your freedom", Natasha said, still standing in the same place, but Freya saw her hand shaking at her side.

"You're right, they are just controlling every step we take!"

"They are just making sure that stuff like Sokovia and Lagos doesn't happen again!" Natasha's voice got louder, but when she realised what she said, she added, her voice calmer: "You know what I mean. They just want to make sure not more innocent people die."

"We are the ones that make sure that doesn't happen!", Freya shouted furiously. "We don't need the government telling us what to do!"

"Freya", Natasha said calmly, but her voice was shaking. "I am not usually the one who gets angry at you, even when you are angry at me, and I don't plan to change that, so please listen to me. I understand that you make that choice, especially with your past. And I am not trying to convince you otherwise, I know that I can't. But you need to understand why I-"

"But that's the thing!", Freya interrupted her. "I don't understand! I don't understand how you, the woman who hates the government, is now ready to let them control her!"

"Why don't you just accept my choice?", Natasha shouted furiously and Freya flinched back, surprised by her girlfriend's sudden outburst. "I am always making things right for you, always making sure that I don't push you into anything you don't want! And I am not doing that now, even with a decision that important! And all I am asking you for is to do the same for me!" Natasha was now inches from Freya, her eyes glistening. "It is my choice and I am just doing what is best in this situation. You don't have to agree with me, but you have to accept the choices I make."

Freya swallowed and looked down, evading Natasha's look. "I am sorry", she said silently, shaking her head. "I know that you make that choice and I know I can't change that. But I will not understand why and I will not change my mind."

Within a second, Natasha was away from her and Freya saw tears in her eyes as well. "I'm going to Vienna", she said, her voice silent. "I love you, Freya, but I, too, will not change my opinion."

And with that, she turned around and walked away. The second she turned around the corner, Freya sank down the wall and buried her face in her hands, regret and desperation overcoming her.

She looked down, at the wing hanging from her necklace, and took it in her hands. For a second, she contemplated taking it off, but then she put it under her shirt instead.

"What did I do?", she whispered to herself.

The next few days went by in a blur. At first, Freya was spending most of her time in her room, but after she had three mental breakdowns in the span of a few hours, she decided to do something productive. And the only thing she could come up with was training.

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