Chapter 16

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After only an hour driving they arrived at Fort Meade.

Because Sam had no clothes that Freya fit in she was wearing the same bloody and dirty clothes as before, but she didn't care.
Natasha practically forced Freya to shower before going, so she did. Her long black hair was still a bit wet when they arrived at Fort Meade, a huge black high-security building.
They got past the three guarded gates easily: Natasha shot the guards at the first one, Freya snapped the necks of the next two, and at the last gate everyone got to take out one of the four guards.

They reached an entry that led to a long hallway with flickering lamps at the ceiling and no doors.

They had to walk a few minutes until they reached a metal door with an iron lock.

"Step aside", Freya said and walked past Sam.

She pressed her hands against the lock and concentrated on the heat in her hands. For once she thanked Strucker for training so hard with her, otherwise, she would have probably burned Nat, Steve and Sam behind her. A few seconds later the lock was melted and Freya kicked the door open.

"After you", she said and let the others walk past her before she followed - and walked right into Natasha.

"What's wrong?", Freya whispered.

Natasha pointed to a camera in the corner to their right. Right now they were just out off the field of view, but if they went one step farther, the camera would see them.

With a quick hand movement, Freya let a stream of black water appear out of her palm and it hit the camera. With a few silent cracking sounds, the camera turned out.

"Thanks", said Natasha and took a step forward. No alarm went off.

"Why are there no guards here?", Freya asked no one specific.

"We're not in the high-security wing yet", Sam answered.

"I suppose that's where we have to go?", Freya asked with a sigh.

"Yeah", said Sam.

"All right then."

The next few minutes Sam guided them through hallways and past locked doors.

When the first guards showed up in front of them, Natasha took them out and Freya destroyed the cameras. They stepped over the limp bodies of the guards and followed Sam through more hallways.

After another minute, he stopped.

"Here it is", he whispered and pointed around the corner.

Freya glanced around the corner and saw a massive steel wall, guarded by seven or eight guards.

Make everything a weapon, Freya heard the voice of Madam B. in her head.

"I got this", she whispered, made her wings disappear, and stroked through her hair. She took off her black hoodie, handed it to the confused-looking Steve, and made a knot into the top she was wearing underneath.

With confident steps, she walked around the corner, feeling more stupid than ever before.

The guards turned their heads towards her and loaded their guns.

"Hey boys", Freya said and tried to make her voice sound sexy. "Can someone help me? I think I'm lost." God, this is so stupid, she thought.

The guards looked at each other bewildered and Freya took that moment of hesitation to throw three fireballs at the guards standing at the front. Their screams echoed through the halls as the black fire burned their faces.

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