Chapter 38

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warning: if you're an emotional person, you might want to prepare the tissues for the next few chapter ;)


Relief flooded through Freya as she saw Natasha, alive and unharmed. She smiled and ran towards her, at the same time that Natasha started running as well. They met in the middle and fell into each others' arms.

Pure happiness spread in her as Freya breathed in Natasha's scent, as she held her so tight to her that she never wanted to let go again.

Natasha pulled back to look at Freya and cupped her face in her hands, tears glistening in her eyes.

"You are never getting away from me", she whispered.

"Never again", Freya said and pulled her closer into a kiss.

For that moment, nothing mattered. Not the robot army trying to kill them, not Ultron wanting to destroy the world, not the literal city flying. Nothing but the woman in her arms, her lips on Freya's, her hair in her hands.

Freya moved away from the kiss and looked at Natasha, blinking away the tears. "I'm glad you're alive", she said.

Natasha laughed. "Yeah, me too."

Freya kissed her again and was about to say something when Wanda and Pietro came into her view. They looked between Freya and Natasha and Pietro said: "So you must be Natasha."

Natasha looked at Freya. "You told them?"

"Yeah." Freya smiled. "They know."

"Well, then." Natasha turned to the twins. "Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you."

Pietro just stared in return and after a reassuring nod by Freya, he finally smiled and said: "I didn't know I was that popular."

Natasha smiled and Wanda came towards her. She stopped inches from Natasha's face and said: "If you ever hurt my sister, you are dead."

"Wanda", Freya started but Natasha said, with a serious face: "I would rather die than do anything to hurt her."

For a few seconds, no one said anything. Then Wanda nodded.

"Wait", Natasha said. "Is that my jacket?" Freya smiled and internally thanked her girlfriend for breaking the awkward silence.

Wanda looked down on her and Freya quickly said: "She can keep it, okay? I'll get you a new one."

Natasha shrugged. "All right. And by the way, I still need a new motorbike."

Freya rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you want."

"Shouldn't we... you know, fight the army of robots that are trying to kill us?", Pietro said and Freya only now realized the cut on his upper arm.

"What happened?", she said, pointing to it.

"Oh." Pietro looked down at it and shrugged. "You know the police here."

Freya sighed. "They really haven't changed in the last twenty years." She turned back around to Natasha. "But he's right. We kind of have a problem with those robots."

"Well, good to know that the fact that the city is flying isn't that big of a problem", Natasha said, looking down the edge.

"Tony's taking care of it", Freya reassured her and as if Freya called him, Steve's voice sounded through her comms.

"What do you have, Stark?", he asked.

"Huh? Nothing great", Tony answered. "Maybe a way to blow up the city."

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