Chapter 62

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A few minutes later, Freya crawled under the blanket again, her skin cold against Natasha's warm arms. She laid her head down, sleepiness suddenly overcoming her.

And with the steady breathing of Natasha and the silent humming of her thoughts in Freya's mind, she fell asleep.

But sleep was no better than reality.

In her dream, Freya was in the Compound, running around aimlessly and looking in every room she passed. But no one was there, not a single person. And the windows were gone too, dipping the huge complex into endless darkness.

After what seemed like an eternity, Freya managed to get outside. The sun was blinding and she had to close her eyes, blinking to adjust to the light. A few seconds later, she finally opened her eyes and stared at what was in front of her.

It looked like the apocalypse. The grass in front of the Compound was black and scorched, the pavement cracked and on the other side laid a car - one of Tony's - on the side, completely demolished.

That's when Freya started running. Running towards the city, towards civilisation. She couldn't be the only one, she couldn't be alone, there had to be others -

But when she got onto the streets of the city, she stopped abruptly. No one was there. No one could have survived.

The buildings were destroyed, many of them only a pile of rubble on the ground. All were missing windows and doors, walls and roofs were overgrown with vines and trees, choking the city. Even though it all looked green and fresh, the air was thick, and Freya coughed and gasped for breath.

She walked around, hoping to find someone. She couldn't be alone. Please no. She sent out her mind, looking for anyone, anyone who was still alive, but it only found screams and pain, the echo of what had happened here. Of what I didn't prevent.

She had survived. She hadn't fought back. She hadn't been strong enough and now everyone was dead.

She coughed again and gasped for air, her head spinning. That's when she realised: It was poison. The air was poisoned. She felt her heartbeat slowing down, felt her mind shutting down. And was there even a point in fighting back? Was there something worth fighting for when everything was gone?

And then she saw them, her purpose, her reason, the people worth fighting for.

Her parents, her siblings, her friends, Bucky, Sam, Steve - and Natasha. They all knelt there on the ground, unmoving, eyes closed, but alive and breathing.

Freya let out a choke of relief and ran towards them, every breath tearing at her. This time she wouldn't fail them. Not again.

But her steps slowed down, her lungs felt like bursting. She coughed and gasped, but willed her feet to keep going. Only a few feet in front of them, she collapsed, her mind spinning and her vision blurry in front of her eyes. I have to make it, they are right there.

She couldn't think, couldn't breathe, but she crawled towards them. And when her hand almost reached them, when she was just a few inches away, she stopped dead in her tracks, eyes fixed on what was behind them.

A person rose into the air, a wicked grin on their face - no, faces. It was constantly changing faces, from Madam B, to Strucker, to Ultron and Thanos, everyone who ever hurt her.

"You can't save them", they said, all of their voices overlapping.

The face of Madam B appeared and with a flick of her hand, Freya's parents fell to the ground, dead.

"No!", Freya wanted to scream, but it only came out as barely more than a sob. She pushed herself forward, but the thing in front of her raised its hand and vines curled around Freya, holding her head high so she had a clear view on all the people she loved. On all the people I failed.

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