Finally, they began actually singing a song, so loud that the speakers began to vibrate the ground beneath her. They were so loud. The boys were lucky Hailey's parents both work and don't come back until late evening.

She threw her pencil down, giving up on the sentence she was trying to write. Anyways, she has forgotten the point she was trying to make.

"I swear I'm going to kill those boys," she muttered before getting out and walking down the hall to the stairs, going down to the basement.

Her feet made a quiet pitter patter as she made her way down the narrow hall, pictures of Hailey and her family littered all over the walls. She was an only child.

Lucky for her.

The music began to get louder as she hears them singing some sort of song, something about American apparel underwear. And a lipstick stain.

So strange.

She knocked on the door, but had no response. They were mid rehearsal of that song it appears, meaning they either didn't hear her or didn't want to stop mid way. She turned the door knob, ready to yell when they were done singing.

Sure she was mad, but she was polite.

She walked in to find Luke in front of the rest of the boys, his eyes screwed shut while holding the mic in his hands while singing, "And I know now."

He opened his blue eyes as his connected with hers, the next words falling out of his mouth, "That I'm so down". 

She looked at him, her mouth running dry as he closed his eyes once again, Calum jumping in to sing the next few lyrics. It was as if she heard no one's voice but Luke's.

She was just completely entranced, watching the way he sang. His grip was tight over the mic as he opened his eyes once again to look at her.

It was mesmerizing, the sweat dripping down his neck and his body moving in passion. Finally the song drifted off as the others in the room began to realize her entrance in the room.

"Hey Eve, what's up?" Michael smiled, moving his hair out of his face. He was sweating profusely as well.

She almost didn't hear him, Evelyn still focusing on the way Luke's chest moved with deep breaths, trying to catch up with the oxygen intake he needed.

He played with his lip ring with his tongue, almost exactly knowing what she was thinking in that moment. Well, not exactly, but he had the vaguest idea.

She snapped out of it finally, turning to the rest of the boys, "Can you guys keep it down please."

Luke rolled his eyes, "We are done anyways."

She was slightly irritated at his body language, though his tone held no ounce of annoyance or anger.

She thanked them, listening to their loud conversations. They were discussing something about the notes and the music sheets in front of them.

Then, Calum turned to address her, "Do you think you could get us some drinks please?"

Evelyn nodded, knowing they were exhausted and went into the kitchen. She walked in the kitchen, her eyes immediately finding the large fridge and pantry.

Though it was not her house, she knew exactly where things were. She found a couple of root beers and coca-cola cans, grabbing enough for the four boys.

Her eye caught some snacks she knew the boys would love: Cheezels, Tim Tams, and Vegemite.

Vegemite, she shuddered.

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