"Hi honey. Are you here for the appointment." She asks you in a sweet voice.

"Yes I am. I was told to come down here."

"Okay then. Right this way then Miss." She opens the door for you and leads you down a white hallway. She stops on the 1st door and opens it.

Inside there's a grey massage bed in the middle of the room. She instructs you to lie down face down. You take off your robe and do what she says.

You close your eyes and you feel as the lady sprays oil on your back and starts to rub your back. You close your eyes and doze off to the relaxing feeling.

Your massage finishes and you feel amazing. You haven't felt this relaxed in years. All the worries you've ever had have faded and you feel re-born in a sense.

"Thank you so much." You say to the lady and she smiles back at you.

You get into the elevator and you feel amazing.

This has been the most amazing trip and you're so sad to leave it behind but you also know you have duties that you need to fulfill for the First Order and you wouldn't let one vacation ruin your assignment that the Emperor gave you.

The door opens and the lights are out except for a candle pathway that lead to a small, round table that's set in the middle of the room. It's set up with two wine glasses and plants that have already been set with food.

"Wow." You say, taking everything in.

"Do you like it?" Kylo comes out of the dark and he smiles at you nervously.

"It's amazing." You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck and reach up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"How long have you been working on this?" You ask as he grabs your hand, leading you to the table.

"All day. I tried to cook myself but I'm a hopeless cook." He chuckles as if he's remembering his attempts.

He pulls your chair out for you and you sit down. He walks to his side and sits down. While he sits, you look at the food. It's your favorite and you feel a warm feeling in your stomach at the thought that he remembered your favorite food.

He grabs his utensils and starts eating and you do the same. Your dinner is wonderful and you both chat the whole time, talking about anything and everything you can think of. You haven't felt this happy in so long.

You try and think of when you've ever been this happy but you can't remember anything. You had a hard childhood and you never had any happiness in your life when you were training.

The thought saddens you but your thoughts are forgotten when you look back up at Kylo and he's staring at you.

"What?" You say with a laugh. "Do I have food on my face?" You fake a gasp and laugh.

He smiles at you. "You're perfect." He says to you and in this moment you feel like you and Kylo are the only people in the galaxy.

It feels the same as when he told you he loved you before you left for Canto Bright and that feels like it was forever ago.

Those two words make your mind swirl with thoughts. Of Kylo. Of how much you love him. How much you never want to leave Naboo. It's hard to believe that in such a short time he has begun to mean so much to you. 

"Come. I have something to show you." He stands and reaches his hand out to you, you take it enjoying the way his large hand feels compared to yours.

He takes you out to the balcony and when you look over at the city your mouth falls open. It's amazing. There's twinkling lights everywhere and the people are letting loose lanterns into the sky.

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