"That doesn't count as a vote, she wasn't even paying attention," a girl in a red cheerleading uniform complained.

Evelyn kept quiet, biting her lip before continuing to eat. She never really got along with Patrick's friends.

Just then she noticed something odd at the table.

"Why is there a whipped cream spray here?" Evelyn asked as the rest of them giggled.

"I brought it," that same girl spoke up in an annoyed tone.

They all started laughing, Evelyn not quite in the loop of whatever joke there was. Regardless, she took the can, shook it for a moment and then sprayed a dot of whipped cream on her middle finger. The white puff of cream stayed straight up on her finger.

She began to put it in her mouth, and just at the moment, she looked up to the table where she would normally sit. Directly in front of her, three tables down, was Luke, looking at her.

She accidentally caught his eye before putting her finger in her mouth, sucking off the sweet cream with her lips and hollowed out cheeks.

She felt burning in her chest and stomach, Luke not looking away at all. He held her gaze, not daring to break it as she continued to suck her finger before letting off of it with a small pop.

He simply watched her mouth with a hardened gaze, and Evelyn could swear she could see his piercing blue eyes from all the ways away.

She was embarrassed, looking down before glancing up to see the boy still looked at her, his jaw set. She could even swear his breathing was deeper.

While Luke managed to keep a very stoic face, it was clear that on the inside, he was on fire. His stomach dropped all the way to his feet, his fingers tightening its grip around the bench edge.

If those lips were on my-

He tried to snap himself out of it, remembering how much he hated her and how annoyed he constantly was by her.

This girl was the bane of his existence, someone he constantly fought and that always argued with.

Luke, you hate her you hate her you hate her.

He paused, looking at her shyly tuck her hair behind her ear as she was trying to engage in the conversation with her boyfriend's friends. She didn't belong there.

Lately, his thoughts have been shifting about her. He had no idea why, or for what possible reason it could be. All he knew was that something was different between them.

You hate her Luke.

I don't.

"Alright, lets get in," Michael sighed, waiting outside Calum's car.

Evelyn picked up her pace, holding her backpack straps tightly as she jogged her short steps.

"I'm coming, I'm coming".

Calum smiled widely at her, opening the passenger door for her. "Why thank you Calum". His tanned skin reddened a little as he put his hand on her back for a moment.

Michael groaned, sitting in the back once more. "I promise I won't organize the glove compared anymore."

"Michael, you're not the favorite twin anymore. Get used to it," Evelyn grinned as Calum let out a chuckle.

"Can't argue with Eve, Michael."

Michael continued to mumble arguments that were ignored as Calum pulled out of the parking lot, making their way to his house.

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