House Nameplate (Midorima x Reader)

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Today was probably the worst day of your life.

First, you woke up late and had to miss breakfast. Second, you forgot to bring your English textbook and do your history homework. Lastly, someone stole your house nameplate.

Like seriously, why would anyone do something like that? It was stupid! No one would pay for someone's house nameplate!

To worsen everything, you managed to slip from a puddle, get laughed at by children and get chased by a wild dog the rest of the walk to school.

Thus the reason you're slumping on your desk - tired, hungry and traumatised. Your butt also ached and your uniform and hair were messy from your rush. You'd never been this unlucky in your life.

"Good morning, (L/N)-chan! How's your morning?" A familiar cheeky voice asked. Somehow, that cheer made you want to strangle something. Or rather... someone.

"Takao, go away." You waved your hand nonchalantly, not looking at him. If you were to see his wide grin, your mood would probably worsen.

"Hmph," another voice joined in. You sighed. Midorima. He must have watched his Oha-Asa this morning and was about to tell you that your sign was rock bottom or something. "Oha-Asa said (H/S) is rock bottom today. Judging from your condition, it must be accurate nanodayo."


"Shut up, Shin-chan." You pouted. "You don't know what I've been through."

Takao sat down beside you, being your seatmate. "D'aww... poor (L/N)-chan." he ruffled your already unruly hair. "So, what happened to you this morning?"

"Only the worst thing ever!" you groaned. "I woke up late, missed breakfast, forgot to bring my English textbook, didn't do history homework, got chased by a dog, fell-" you turned to sit sideways in your seat so you could face Takao and Midorima. "You know what's even stupider? Someone actually-!"

Your eyes instantly zoned on Midorima's left hand. " that your lucky item?"

He was holding a rectangle golden brown plate.

And it said your surname - (L/N).

He pushed his glasses up and hid his lucky item from your line of view. "Don't look at it nanodayo. Your bad luck will rub off."

"But that's my house nameplate, isn't it?"


Takao laughed nervously, quickly taking the conversation over. "That's Shin-chan's lucky item for the day." He informed. "It's quite the trouble getting it! It's a good thing he brought his toolbox!" You glared at him and he gulped. "...yes, it's your nameplate."


"It's my lucky item nanodayo." Mr Almightily Stupid Tsundere Carrot pushed his glasses up, making them glint from the light.


"C-calm down, (L/N)-chan!" Takao urged, pushing you gently to sit back down. You huffed.

"What's your lucky item for the day anyway? Why didn't you bring Takao's or your own nameplate instead?" Midorima stayed quiet but you could see colour rushing up his cheek. This peak your interest. "Well?"

Takao rushed in to answer for him, now somewhat enthusiastic. "Well, (L/N)-chan, cancer's lucky item for the day is a house nameplate of someone they-"

"-hate nanodayo."

You gasped, turning to Midorima, shocked and hurt. You didn't expect that. You didn't know Midorima hated you. You thought that he actually liked you because he had been friends with you since middle school.

Your eyes burned. It hurt you to know that your long time crush hated you.

"(L-L/N)-chan!" Takao exclaimed in surprise at your teary eyes. Midorima stared, shocked as well.

You stood up and snatched your nameplate from Midorima's hand. "Stupid, Shin-chan!" you shouted at him. "Go die!" you ran and left.


"Ah-ah~" Takao nudged the stunned Midorima. "Look what you did, Shin-chan. Why can't you just be honest and tell her?"

"Shut up, Takao." His cheeks burned and he looked away. He stood up and followed after you.

Takao grinned. "Good luck, Shin-chan."


You knew this was the worst day ever. After everything that had happened earlier, you had to face the bluntest rejection from your crush that you hadn't even confessed to.

The door to the rooftop opened and you quickly wiped your tears, looking over your shoulder at the awkwardly approaching greenhead. You frowned. Clutching your nameplate, you proceeded to ignore him.



"(L/N)." he sighed. "I'd like to apologise nanodayo." You glanced at him at that. He blushed. "I-I don't hate you nanodayo. O-of course, that doesn't mean I like you either."

And there he went with his tsundere-ness. You scowled. "So which is it? Do you hate me or like me?"

He fidgeted which was so out of character of him. "I-I-" he cleared his throat. "I love you, okay?"

You gasped. He uncharacteristically hugged you.

"Today's lucky item is the house nameplate of someone you love nanodayo."



You giggled. "Shin-chan, I love you too!" you hugged him back at his adorable confession. You gave him your nameplate. "Alright. I'll lend this to you for the day. Next time, don't steal and just ask, okay?"

His face red, Midorima took it. "I-it's not like I stole it nanodayo. Takao did. And I don't need your nameplate either. Cancer is on top today. I-it's just for reassurance."

"That must be because you forced him to. And you bring your lucky item with you whether your sign is on top or not, Carrot." Still giggling, you tugged his arm and pulled him to your height. You pecked his lips softly.

"W-what's that for?!" He panicked.

"A kiss? We're lovers now, aren't we?"

He cleared his throat and pushed his glasses up. "I-it's not like I like that kiss, okay? I just want to try it out!" he said before pulling you in for another kiss.

Today wasn't so bad.


Midorima's tsundere-ness is as hard to write as always. But I think can write him better now! It must be thanks to reading so many Midorima fanfictions and watching the anime from the very beginning again. I really don't want to screw him up because he's actually pretty adorable!

By the way, the idea for this one-shot came to me a little strangely. My neighbor's house nameplate was stolen. Till now, I still wonder why someone would steal a house nameplate. Cursing? Some kind of dark magical ritual? Or maybe that thief is a stalker. How mysterious.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it! After this is Aomine Daiki! Kuroko, since he's really cute and he's the main character, is saved for last. Look forward to it, okay? And I'm still accepting requests so don't be shy to send me a message!



P.S: (H/S) is horoscope sign.

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