Diaries (Kiyoshi x Reader) LEMON

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(F/S) stands for favourite snack


You didn't know when it started...

At first it was an innocent thing. Ever since Kiyoshi and you started dating, the two of you started exchanging diaries - something Kiyoshi initiated to know more about you.

It went on for about two months. The two of you would write about what you thought the other needed to know. You wrote about what happened in your day when you were without each other.

Maybe Kiyoshi didn't mean it. Maybe he really was just telling you about his day. But...

Was writing about his morning wood really necessary?

It was so detailed. He even told you about how he masturbated to a picture of you.

You didn't have the heart to scold him for sharing something so private when he looked at you with those innocent gentle eyes of his.

"(F/N)!" You jumped out of your thoughts and quickly turned to see your boyfriend heading towards you with his usual goofy smile.

"Teppei!" You greeted him. "Do you need something?"

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I forgot to bring the diary. I'll send it to your house later okay?"

"Ah, no, it's okay! I'll just go to yours to get it!"

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course!"


"Here you go." You took the leather-covered diary from Kiyoshi's outstretched hand. "Wait here a minute. I'll get us some snacks."

You nodded. "Okay."

While Kiyoshi was making tea, you might as well read his diary entry.

Dear diary,

Today, like usual, I woke up with an erection. I remember having a vivid dream of having sex with (F/N). This has happened so often lately. I wonder if something's wrong with me...

Your libido's just too high, Kiyoshi.

I ate lunch with (F/N) like usual. She was eating a hotdog. It was really seductive. I had another erection and had to do it three times in the bathroom.

You remembered how your mouth was covered with ketchup and mustard while you chowed down your hotdog. How was that seductive?

After dinner, I did homework. I called (F/N) to discuss our chemistry homework. She sounded so nice through phone I couldn't help but to record it. I used it later to masturbate.

Now I'm going to sleep. I'm sure I'll see (F/N) in my dream again.


Wow... Did he think so much about you in a day? This diary entry was entirely about you.

...and was he really that sexually deprived? You had only been going out of two months. Wasn't this too fast to even consider having sex?

But then again, Kiyoshi was always so caring towards you. You were 100% sure he loved you with his whole heart. Maybe... It's time for you to lose all your firsts with him.

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