Acting (Hara x Reader)

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“Hara Kazuya!” you shouted, tapping your foot against the ground. “How many times have I told you to cut your hair?”

He popped his gum. “Let me see…” 

You popped a vein. “I wasn’t asking you to count, idiot!”

“Eh? But you said ‘how many times’.” 

Your eyebrow twitched. He just enjoyed annoying you, didn’t he? “Kazuya, if you don’t stop being so annoying, I’ll confiscate your gums. The teachers are complaining about how you keep chewing them in class. You know that’s forbidden, don’t you?”

He giggled boyishly, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “Don’t be like that, (F/N)-chan! I’m just teasing you~” he poked your cheek, his usual annoying smirk plastered on his face. “You aren’t going to confiscate your boyfriend’s gums now, are you?” 

You were (L/N) (F/N). You were the disciplinary committee in Kirisaki Daīchi High, also the girlfriend of the gum-chewing idiot you’re scolding. Initially, he’s one of your preys but Hanamiya always bailed him out of your scolding.

“I’ll consider that if you cut your hair! Your hair isn’t supposed to cover your eyes like that!” 

“But you fell for me while my hair’s like this. Who’s to say your feelings wouldn’t change after I changed my hair?”

You blushed. “Idiot. You’re talking as if I love only your hair.” You mumbled sulkily. 

Truthfully, the first thing you noticed about him was his hair. Of course, it annoyed you since it broke the rules. But you really liked fluffy things and his hair was so fluffy! When the two of you were… ahem!intimate… you would always run your fingers through his hair.

“Don’t you though?”  

You looked away, blushing. 

He put a hand over his chest, lips curving down. He’s going to go dramatic again, you just knew it. It seemed like Hanamiya’s acting skill was beginning to rub off on him. “It hurts me so much to know that you only love me for my hair, (F/N)-chan.” 

“I-idiot, I didn’t say anything like that!”

“But you face is like an open book, (F/N)-chan. It says that you only love my hair. How cruel of you. You know how much I love you.” He sounded sincerely saddened that it couldn’t be an act. You actually felt a little guilty. After all, Kazuya treated you so good. You knew he genuinely loved you. 

“I-I’m sorry, Kazuya…” you muttered softly, hugging him around his torso. “But I do love all of you.”

“It really hurts, (F/N)-chan.” He nuzzled the side of your head. Without you knowing, he grinned at Hanamiya who was disciplining another student. His captain smirked back at him. “But I’ll be fine if you let me off this time.” 

“…let you off?” you repeated. Your eyebrows furrowed at his condition.

He clicked his tongue. “Uh-oh. Wrong dialogue.” 





In the end, Hanamiya bailed Kazuya out of detention again. You were really going to have a talk with Hanamiya one of these days. 

But you did feel a bit guilty since you confiscated half of Kazuya’s gum stock. To make it up to him, you got the permission to use the home economics room and baked some cookies for Kazuya.

Opening the door to the gym, you called out, “Kazu-“ 

“Play with emphasis. Think about the subtext of every line, and emphasize accordingly. It may not sound important, but emphasis can have a huge role in anything you say. Also, you need to learn before you speak. You need to learn how to improvise.”

You walked in on… Hanamiya giving Kazuya an… acting lesson? 

“What role am I playing though?”

“Clearly, it is the role as (L/N)’s wounded boyfriend. This will get you off of her scolding.” Hanamiya smirked.

“Thanks, Hanamiya.” 

“My pleasure. Seeing your girlfriend’s angry face really makes my day.”

“I know. Isn’t she cute when she’s angry?” Kazuya grinned. “This one time, she- Oof!” 




Anyone knows who Hara Kazuya is? I gave a hint that he's in Kirisaki Daīchi High above. There's also his picture there. 

Seriously, he is so under-appreciated! He's so cute, though! People should notice him more! He's one of my baes from Kuroko no Basuke, you know! He's like Marui Bunta from Prince of Tennis, always chewing that gum of his!

But this might be hopeless since even AlexCasthiel didn't know him. I used past tense there because I hope she knows him now. XD.

Anyway, have you voted for the Valentine's Day specials? I've got the underdogs but the GoM has a tie-breaker between Kise and Midorima! For you who haven't voted, do it please!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed that! I'm hoping for a request or two!



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