Vaporeon (Daddy!Aomine x Mummy!Reader)

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(D/N) is daughter's name.


"DADDY, LOOK!" (D/N) squealed, pointing at the doll on top of one of the shelves. "IT'S A VAPOREON!"

Aomine, whose ears were momentarily deafened by his daughter's squeal, looked at the doll confusedly. "A what?"

"A VAPOREON! IT'S A POKEMON, DADDY!" she explained excitedly. Once again, her voice made Aomine's ears rang.

'What voice... She must have got those lungs from (F/N). (F/N)'s quite the screamer herself.'he thought to himself, remembering his wife - you - who had a meeting that day and had to leave monthly shopping in (D/N)'s hands as well as his. It was his day off too. As a policeman, he rarely got a day off and he had planned to laze around all day.

Tch. (F/N) better pay him good for this.

"DADDY, DADDY! CAN I GET THAT DOLL? PLEASE? PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE WITH MOMMY ON TOP?!" (D/N) begged, activating the puppy eyes technique she learned from her uncle Kuroko.

Aomine's jaw slackened. "WHO THE HELL TAUGHT YOU THOSE WORDS?!"

"Huh? Oh, you mean the mommy on top part?" she giggled. "Uncle Taiga said that if I say that when I want something, daddy will get it for me!"

"Kagami..." he growled. He looked at his daughter intently. "You will never repeat that in front of your mother. You hear me?"

"Okay, daddy!" she beamed. He huffed. She became a good obedient kid only when she wanted something. "So will you get it for me, daddy? Please? I really want it so I can complete my Eevee dolls collection!"

Aomine sighed, figuring he might as well buy her the doll to keep her quiet. Reaching up to the top of the shelf where the dolls were kept, he suddenly froze. His eyes were glued to the price tag. "What the fuck?!" he pulled away. "How can a doll cost that much?!" he turned to his daughter. "Your mother bought you these stuff?"


He scoffed. "Well, your daddy won't. I'll teach you to not waste money on useless stuff. Besides, you promised we'll only be looking around before we came into this toy shop."

"B-but, daddy!" she whined. "I really want that doll! I promise I won't ask for anything anymore!"

"I just bought you that dollhouse you wanted!"

"That was on my birthday, daddy!"

"No is a no!"

(D/N)'s lower lip trembled and her eyes watered. "W-WAHHH! YOU'RE SO STINGY, DADDY!" she bawled. "I HATE YOU!"

"Hey, you don't hate one of the people who made you!"

(D/N)'s bawl attracted attention from the people around the shop. Embarrassed, Aomine quickly picked her up, despite her struggle, and carried her out of the shop.

"O-oi, quiet down!"



At dinner, you suspected something was wrong when you saw (D/N) sulking and Aomine trying to ignore his daughter's glare. After dinner was finished, (D/N) immediately went into her room while Aomine went to the living room to watch TV.

You sighed. Wiping your hands on your apron, you approached the upset brute. "Daiki, care to tell me what's wrong with (D/N)?"

He pouted, though he'd deny he did, and looked away from you. "I was doing the right thing."

You lifted an eyebrow as you plopped down beside him. "And that thing was?"

"(D/N) wanted this doll that costs almost as much as my paycheck." he said. You nodded for him to continue. "Of course, I didn't buy her something that expensive. It's just a doll. It'll break sooner or later. 'Sides, she needs to learn how to save money."

"Ah... so she needs to learn how to save money." You repeated, nodding. You slipped your hand under the plush seat of the couch and pulled out a thick book - Horikita Mai's photo book. Your face darkened frighteningly. "And do you believe you're already doing that?"

"W-what?! How did you find that?!"

"I accidentally found it when I was looking for the remote." You told him. "Now go talk to (D/N). I can't believe you make your only daughter upset."


"No buts. Daiki, she's our only princess. What's so wrong about spoiling her?" you lectured him. Aomine lowered his eyes. "(D/N) knows how to take care of her things. She takes a really good care of her dolls so you won't have to worry about her ruining them. It's not wasting money."


You beamed. "Great! Now go apologize to your daughter while I burn this book!"


Entering the room, Aomine instantly noticed (D/N)'s form sprawled out on her very pink bed. She was already snoring softly. He sighed and smiled a little.

Aomine moved her into a more comfortable position then pulled the blanket up to warm her up. He noticed some familiar dolls lined up neatly on her shelf. They must be her Eevee dolls collection, whatever it was.

"Geez, you're just like your mother." He sighed and whispered, "Fine, I'll buy you that stupid doll. But you better take a damn good care of it, got it, kiddo?"

"Mmm..." (D/N) moaned in her sleep.

He chuckled and pecked her forehead. "Good girl."


The next morning...

(D/N) yawned as she sat up. Since it was Sunday, you didn't wake her up early to go to school. She rubbed her eyes from sleep and lifted her head. Then she froze.

There, across from her bed, was the Vaporeon doll she saw when she went shopping with her daddy yesterday.

She squealed, clambering off her bed and towards the doll. Picking it up, (D/N) hugged it close to her chest, giggling excitedly. "YAY~! VAPOREON~!"



"There goes this month's beer money..." Aomine mumbled sadly as he watched his daughter danced around the room with the Pokemon doll he bought her. Beside him, (F/N) laughed. He glared at her. "You better make up for it."

"Well, I shall think about it." you teased.

Aomine opened his mouth to retort but he was cut off by a particularly loud squeal from (D/N)'s room. "MY EEVEE COLLECTION IS COMPLETE~! YAY~! I LOVE YOU, MUMMY~!"

He choked and raged at you. "I spent all, all, my beer's money on that doll and she mistook it as a gift from you?!"

"Well, I can't help that I'm a better parent than you are." You shrugged.

"DAMN IT, (F/N)!"


Requested by @Amazing_Tsubaki. Thank you for the request! I've been waiting to write something fluffy and innocent for a while now, ha-ha!

My favourite out of the Eevee family is actually Flareon (because it's kind of like Akashi XD) but since Aomine's blue and all and this picture just fits, I use Vaporeon. I hope you enjoyed this!

Btw, you guys already know that AlexCasthiel is back, don't you? This deserves a party, people! Whoot! We're dancing all night, people! LOL!

Okay, sorry, I'm high on Pockys at the moment.

So anyway, as I haven't any request, I can finally move on to the next project.

COMING NEXT: Bisexsual (Akashi x Reader x Kuroko) LEMON part 2

as well as

*Title still undecided* (Murasakibara x Reader x Himuro) LEMON

Yes, I decided to do Atsushi and Himuro! They're quite rare after all! I promise that there'll be Midorima and Takao though!



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