Love Dices (Kise x Reader) LEMON

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Please read! This is extremely important!

Warning. This is not for the faint hearted, trust me. This contains hardcore sex. Contains a part of BDSM that you won't know unless you're into the act. Turn away if you aren't legal. I'm not joking, guys! This is completely serious. My usual lemon is probably child's play compared to this one!

If you decide to underestimate my twisted mind and think, "it's probably just anal sex." Then you're extremely wrong. This is dangerous ground, guys. If you insist on reading, please promise me that you'll back away as soon as it turns too much for you. It's not written to traumatize people.

If you flame me, remember that I'm thick-skinned and you're the idiot 'cause I CLEARLY PUT A WARNING HERE. You're the one who insisted on reading. Be responsible for your action.

Ahem. Enjoy. Proceed with extreme caution.



Your ears felt like falling off with a bleeding splat! at the loud schreeching-like singing. Kise might have the physic of a sex God but clearly not the singing ability to go with it. Your poor, poor ears.

No, he could sing well. You remembered him belting it all out at the karaoke. He just couldn't do celebratory songs well because he always got too excited.

After he childishly begged you to blow the candles, Kise clapped his hands merrily. "CONGRATULATIONS, (F/N)CCHI!" It was a good thing this party happened in your apartment. Should this happen in public, you'd have to start wearing a mask everywhere you went. "(F/N)cchi, I wish that we won't only celebrate your birthday this year but also the years to come! I wish you'll stay healthy, beautiful, smart, wonderful, perfect, sexy, stunning, kind, generous, caring and mine!" He winked. "I love you so much, (F/N)cchi!"

You smiled, trying to match his excitement. At your age, birthdays weren't that big of an occasion anymore. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."

Ignoring your lack of enthusiasm, he picked up a small box and gave it to you. "Your present!"

"Oh. Thanks."

It was small enough to be mistaken for a ring but that couldn't possibly be it as your engagement ring settled intimately on your ring finger. Hm...

You opened the glittery wrapping and lifted a curious eyebrow at the small pink box. Opening it, you found two of dices - one pink, the other red. There were... words written on every side.

The pink one had bite, kiss, lick, suck, massage and insert. The red one had fingers, lips, foot, neck, nipple and organ.

Your jaw fell. "What the hell are these?"

"Apparently they're called love dices, (F/N)cchi!" He replied with an excited gleam in his eyes. You could practically see a wagging puppy tail behind him. It was so obvious he was excited to use the dices.

"How do you use these anyway?"

"Well, we take turns rolling the dices. Then we do what we get!" It's a short explanation but explained more than enough.

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