Home (Aomine x Reader x Sakurai)

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"I'm s-sorry, (L-L/N)-san, I-I made you some l-lunch." Sakurai said, offering you a boxed lunch wrapped in a cute pink cloth with little bunnies print. He blushed when you merely stared for a full minute. "W-w-will you eat lunch with me? S-sorry if this is t-too sudden!"

Seeing as he was about to cry, and you wouldn't know how to handle a crying boy, you accepted with a slow nod of your head. You were unsure if you should be getting close to him. You didn't want to get too close to anyone and to be held back when you were leaving.

You were a drifter. You moved from place to place. When your parents left you with a huge amount of money, you spent your life moving from place to place, staying in an apartment which was cold and unwelcoming. Every day, as you came home, you're always reminded of how alone you actually were.

You followed a nervous yet giddy Sakurai up to the rooftop. It was empty.

"Ryō? (F/N)?"

Or not.

Aomine was climbing up the ladder to the higher spot of the rooftop. He stopped momentarily to stare at you and Sakurai, eyes narrowing at the apologetic mushroom behind you. Said mushroom flinched.

"What are the two of you doing up here?"

You huffed, "Sakurai made me lunch. We're eating it together."

Aomine's respond was to hum in disapproval. "Is that so, Ryō?" Sakurai winced as he bowed down and apologised numerous times. What's happening?

"Don't apologize, Sakurai. You did nothing wrong. Thanks for the lunch, by the way." You offered a small kind smile to the still apologising boy. He stopped and stared at you, awed. You turned to a glaring Aomine, putting your hands on your hips disapprovingly. "And you. Stop bullying, Sakurai."


You sat between Aomine and Sakurai. It was a little uncomfortable because Aomine would always glare and steal Sakurai's food while Sakurai would try his best to be strong and accept the fact that his food was stolen.

The bento Sakurai made was something you were sure you'd never be able to make. It's a cute little character bento made to look like a chibi version of you - complete with your ever-present scowl. What a pity that it had to be eaten.

You held up a piece of egg-roll and bit into it. It tasted good. Sakurai was a good cook. How long had it been since you last tasted homemade cooking? Since your parents left you to fend for yourself, you would always either eat outside or buy junk food.

"I-I'M SORRY!" you glanced at Sakurai who yelled so suddenly. "I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO! I'M REALLY SORRY!"

"...Ryō..." Aomine growled.

Raising an eyebrow curiously, you examined the orange spot on Aomine's crotch. He looked pissed, trying to push a tearing up Sakurai, who was trying to clean his pants with his handkerchief, away from him.

"Why would you fucking throw your juice at me in the first place?! Shit, it's all sticky!"

Sakurai's face turned into something akin to a pout. He stared at Aomine in an irritated way. "That's because you kept staring at (L/N)-san's breasts. I won't let you do that. Hmph!"

"Why, you..."


They both stopped immediately and turned to you, eyes wide. You couldn't help it anymore. Their surprised faces were ridiculous. You threw your head back and laughed.

It felt so good to laugh freely like this. When was the last time you smile this big? It felt so refreshing.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to... laugh at you." you gasped out, still a giggling mess. Aomine and Sakurai both blushed at your bright smile. "It just... the two of you are so funny. You get along really well, don't you?"

They didn't give a respond.

Finally, your laughter died down. You sighed, still smiling. "I wonder when was the last time I eat homemade cooking with people by my side or when I last laughed like this." You ate another piece of egg. "The two of you know of my condition so... thanks for not treating me differently, though."

Another five minutes of silence and you were beginning to get uncomfortable. Was your laugh really that weird?

Sakurai was the first to snap out of it. He took both of your hands in his and stared into your eyes shyly, blushing. "(L-L/N)-san, I-I'm sorry but p-please let me take care of you! I-I-I love you, (L-L/N)-san! Please do me the honour of b-being my g-g-g-girlfriend!"

After hearing that, Aomine came to life. He pulled you away from Sakurai into his huge chest. "Tch, (F/N), I can make you smile and laugh more! You'll enjoy being with me more than him! I can protect you! Be mine, (F/N)!"

Finally... you had found your home.



You sweat-dropped. Seriously, how long were they going to argue? Lunch break was almost over and they were still fighting.

"(F/N), I have bigger dick than he does! I can satisfy you better!" Aomine said suddenly, causing you to almost choke on your tea.

Sakurai didn't enjoy losing and exclaimed, "(L/N)-san, I can make you your favourite breakfast after we make love! I can be gentler and more loving than Aomine-kun!"

"I'm bigger and warmer! I can cuddle her better than you, Ryō!"

"If it's cuddling then I certainly won't lose to you, Aomine-kun!"

Now what could you do?


Whew! Finished! Now all that's left is the requests. I'll try my best to post them tomorrow or the day after! Cheer for me!

Sakurai is adorable... I was listening to his solo album all the while as I wrote this. Then it shuffled to Aomine's and this story came out like this. It originally was Sakurai x Reader but now it became Aomine x Reader x Sakurai. The power of music... It hypnotised me.

Anyway, I'm still considering the threesome lemons I proposed in my last update.

Murasakibara x Reader x Himuro


Midorima x Reader x Takao?

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!



P.S: I'm hungry...

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