Need (Wei x Reader)

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“You’re so foolish.” Liu sighed as he picked up the shattered pieces of the plate you dropped. “Be careful next time.”

You whimpered and nodded apologetically. “I’m sorry, Liu-kun!” 

He sighed once again. Sometimes you wondered if he was tired of taking care of you. The two of you had been together since he came to Japan and attended your high school.

You were the clumsiest, stupidest and most useless girl on the face of earth. You couldn’t do anything right. You couldn’t cook, do laundry or even the simplest thing as wiping a table. No matter how hard you studied, you couldn’t pass even the simplest of test. Even your parents were embarrassed to have a child like you. 

But when Liu came, he accepted you. He told you he loved you and although his words could certainly be biting, he never treated like how others did. Liu was the only person who ever called you beautiful.

“(F/N), are you alright? Did you cut yourself?” Liu asked while he swept the floor to make sure there were no leftover shards. You shook your head negative. He raised an eyebrow. “Then why are you so silent suddenly?” 

“…I’m sorry. I always give you troubles, don’t I?” you murmured sadly.

Liu chuckled in amusement and he walked over to where you were safely perched up on the kitchen counter. Liu didn’t trust you to pick up the broken plates or walk around the floor while there might be shards lingering. 

“Indeed, you always give me trouble.” He pressed your foreheads together. “But I don’t mind. As your boyfriend, it is my duty to look after you. I will always be here to do it, (F/N).”

You smiled and closed your eyes, pressing your forehead right back to his. “Thank you, Liu-kun. I promise I’ll be better for you.” 

You couldn’t see it but Liu’s face darkened at the idea. “You don’t have to, (F/N).” he said lowly. “I love you just the way you are.”

“I love the clumsy, stupid, useless (F/N) who can’t do anything right. The (F/N) who needs me.” 


“Good job, (L/N)! Your score has risen up quite a bit!” your teacher handed your test paper with a smile. This was probably the first time he had ever smiled at you. “It’s not much and you still need to take the remedial since you don’t pass but it’s better than your other scores.” 

“Really?” you beamed.

“Yes. Try harder next time and I’m sure you’ll pass, (L/N)!” 

“Okay!” You proudly went back to your seat. To someone like you, this was an accomplishment. “Liu-kun! Look!” you showed the paper to Liu whose seat was behind you.

Since you’re so happy, you didn’t notice the dark storm in his eyes. He faked a smile. “Good job, (F/N).” he patted your head. “You must’ve studied really hard.” 

“Yep! I studied that time when you had to cancel our date for basketball practice. Since I didn’t have anything to do, I studied. I’m so glad I did!”

“Let’s celebrate, (F/N). Let’s go for (F/F) after school.” 

“Oh, we can?!” you asked excitedly.

“Of course, we can.” His smile widened a tiny bit. “Let’s go to the amusement park this weekend to make up for that time. I have free tickets from Fukui.” 

“Yay! I want to go!”

In the end, you didn’t pass your remedial test. 

“You mustn’t change for the better. You should only get worse. Because then you won’t need me anymore.”


“Thank you, (B/N)-kun. You really helped with the papers.” You smiled at your classmate. He was kind enough to help you carry some papers to the classroom. “If I had been alone, I’d have probably dropped them all.”

“It’s fine.” He smiled back. “If you need any help, please ask.” 

“(F/N)?” you turned to the call and saw Liu walking over to you from his seat. “Where were you?”

“Ah, Liu-kun! I was bringing these papers here from the teacher office. (B/N)-kun helped me!” (B/N) nodded to Liu before he left. Liu eyed the papers then you. 

“Why would you talk to him, (F/N)?”


Liu’s face was dark. He grabbed your wrist and led you out of the classroom. His grip was hard and it hurt. You were scared. This was the first time Liu had ever been rough on you. “Liu-kun? Where’re we going?”

He brought you to the rooftop. It was empty since lunch was almost over. 

“(F/N), you know that you are a bully victim, don’t you?” Liu hissed. “(B/N) must be scheming to do something to you.”


“He’s trying to charm you, acting kind and being friendly. When he gains your trust, he’ll step on you just like the others. Do you remember what happened with your best friend? Didn’t this sound familiar? “

Your eyes watered. Your best friend had betrayed you because she didn’t want to become a bully victim. He joined the group who bullied you. To this day, you were still terribly hurt by her action. 

“I-I’m sorry…” you murmured.

He sighed. Gently, Liu cupped your face, bringing your face up to wipe your tears gently. “Listen to me, (F/N). I love you. All I want is your happiness and your safety and these people are the reason why you aren’t.” he kissed your forehead. “They simply can’t love someone like you.” 

“…They can’t?”

“Only me.” he whispered. Your eyes closed when he pressed his forehead against yours. “I’m the only one who can accept you. Therefore, you need only me.” 

“…Only you.”

 “That’s right. I’m the only one who can accept what little you offer. So need me. Need only me.” 


Does this one even make any sense? So it's like... Wei is trying to bring Reader-san down so she'll always need and see him. He isn't an ecouraging boyfriend at all. He wants Reader-san to become dependant on him and to always be the useless self she is. This is supposed to be interesting but I think I ruined it.

This is requested by @indigoskycaller. Thank you for your request! This is an interesting one and I'm sorry I ruined it. I actually wrote this one in... a depressed state so please don't blame me!

Thank you for reading!



P.S: (F/F) is favourite food.

P.S.S: People, teach me how to tag people please! Pretty please with Akashi on top??

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