Flash Mob (Kise x Reader)

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It just had to be on your birthday that your parents had to leave for a business trip. Your siblings also already had plans for the day. Such a caring family you had.

It’s a good thing that your best friend in high school – Kise Ryōta – was free for the day and decided that he would accompany you. “Never fear, Ryōta’s here!” he had said which caused you to laugh. So you quickly prepared yourself, wearing your new dress and putting on a tiny bit of make-up. You also styled your hair differently today. 

Today, you decided that you’d confess to Kise. You had had a crush on him ever since entering high school. You didn’t like him because he was a model or a member of the Generation of Miracles. You fell for him because he was Kise Ryōta - ditzy, cheerful and hardworking Kise Ryōta.

If Kise rejected you, you’d ask for one last date as lovers. After all, it was your birthday. You could be extra selfish just this once. This was the best plan you had ever come up with. 

“Kise-kun’s taking so long.” You sighed, checking over your watch. You were waiting for him in your meeting point – a shopping centre. “I’ve been waiting for an hour already.” You grumbled.

Kise wouldn’t stand you up, would he? He wasn’t that type of a person, you were sure. 

You took your phone out from your bag. You decided to call Kise to know why he was so late.

“Waiting for a girl like you!” You jumped at the sudden loud blare from the speakers. The people around you also stopped to listen. “The light shines~ It’s getting hot on my shoulder~” the people around you started to sway with the music and you looked around in surprise and wonder. 

“Don’t you know all night I’ve been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round~!”

As if on cue, everyone around you started pairing up and dancing. You squeaked when an unknown boy grabbed your hand, pulling along to the dance. It was awkward because you didn’t know how to dance. You didn’t even know what’s happening! 

“H-hey! Stop!” you yelled when another boy grabbed you. You were forced to another dance. “What is happening here?!”

You kept being twirled and passed until you and in the very centre of the dancing crowds, dizzy. The song was reaching its end and you cursed One Direction in your mind for causing people to go into a dancing frenzy like this. 

At the bridge of the song everyone finally slowed down and your ‘partner’ let go of you, giving you a playful wink. They opened up a space so you were standing in the middle of a makeshift ring. You were panting for air after that crazy upbeat dance people forced you to do.

After the bridge ended, they started dancing faster and cheerer until the song ended. When it ended, everyone turned towards you, beaming. They all shouted at the same time. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” 

Frozen to silence, you jumped when muscular arms wound tightly around you. “(F/N)cchi! Happy birthday!” a very familiar voice of a very familiar blonde rang beside your ear.

“Kise-kun!” you exclaimed. 

He giggled boyishly. “Do you like my surprise?”

“S-surprise? You mean this flash mob?” 

“Yep! Do you like it?” You didn’t actually hate it so you nodded your head. Kise’s arms tightened around you in happiness. When he let go of you, he quickly moved in front of you, giving you a bouquet of (F/C) (F/F). “Here you go!”

You accepted the bouquet, blushing. “Thank you.” 

“(F/N)cchi,” he began, smiling, “You’ve stolen my heart.”

When you processed his words, your eyes widened and you turned redder than a tomato. “EH?” 

“I’ve been waiting for a girl like you all my life, (F/N)cchi.” He went down on one knee. He took a gentle hold of your free hand and put on a pretty charm bracelet around your wrist. “I love you, (F/N))cchi. Please be my girlfriend.”

Your heart thumped wildly against your ribcage. Just this morning you were encouraging yourself in front of your mirror about confessing to Kise. Now he was confessing to you in the cheesiest yet cutest way possible! This must be God’s birthday present for you! 

“I-If you don’t mind having me,” you stuttered, shyly looking away from Kise, “then my answer is yes.”

In an instant the people around the two of you, whom you just remembered were watching you, cheered. Kise hugged you, beaming, crushing the poor bouquet in your arm. 

You couldn’t find yourself to care because you just received the best birthday present ever.



“So how’s the surprise?” Kise asked excitedly from his spot in front of you. The two of you were eating lunch in a fancy restaurant that Kise had reserved. “Is it romantic enough?” 

You blushed. “It’s too cheesy…” you mumbled. “And I don’t like dancing.”

He pouted. “Aw… But it took me so long to prepare it~!” he whined. 

He looked like a puppy like that. You giggled, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly. “I love it though. Thank you, Ryōta-kun!”

His jaw slackened and he turned pink. “One more time! (F/N)cchi, one more kiss, please!” 


I had fun writing this! Kise and I share a lot in common since we're both geminis. I hope I didn't make him OOC though. And I forgot to mention this in the introduction but as English is not my first language, I apologize beforehand if I happen to make any mistakes.

I'm currently working one a request which will probably be posted later today or tomorrow. This is my very first request so I'm really nervous. Please look forward to it! And I also hope you enjoy this one!

Btw, that song I used is One Direction's Steal My Heart. I used to love that band but not so much now. Their music, to me, seems to lose something.



P.S: (F/C) is favourite colour and (F/F) is favourite flower.

Kuroko no Basuke (Various x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن