Chapstick (Murasakibara x Reader)

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“(F/N)-chan,” your best friend – (B/F/N) – called, getting your attention. You were both on your way to school and you were preparing yourself for a Chemistry test. “Your lips look dry. You should apply some chapstick or they’ll crack.”

“Huh?” you lifted a hand and rubbed your lips. She was right. You lips were dry. 

“Here,” she fished out her cherry chapstick from her bag, “Want to use mine?”

“Ah, it’s fine. I’ve got one myself.” you replied, taking out your own chapstick. It was a grape Nerunerunerune candy flavoured chapstick. It’s a birthday present from your Mum, considering your love of said candy. 

You applied some of the chapstick. It took all your willpower to not stuck your tongue out and lick it all off. The smell of grape and sugar tempted you. Maybe you could go and buy some Nerunerunerune candy on your way home later.


Since you and (B/F/N) weren’t in the same class, you bid her good-bye and went to your own classroom. “Good morning.” you greeted as you entered your class. Some others greeted you back while some kept chatting.

You walked over to your seat. You flashed a smile at your purple-haired boyfriend and seatmate. The two of you had been going out for a month now. So far, the two of you had only shared innocent little kissed and held hands. 

As usual, he was drowning in his endless amount of snacks.

“Morning, Atsushi.” You greeted. 

“(N/N)-chin~ Morning~” he responded sleepily. As expected of him.

Sitting down, you continued with your studying. You really didn’t want to fail Chemistry because it’s one of your best subjects. 

You jumped, surprised, when something soft poked the side of your face. You cupped your cheek, looking to the side and shrieked a little at how close Atsushi’s face was to yours. “W-what?”

“(N/N)-chan smells extra good today~” he sniffed around. “You smell like Nerunerunerune candy~” 

“I-I did?” You backed away a little. “A-ah, must be my chapstick. It’s a Nerunerunerune candy flavoured one.”

“Heeee… So that kind of thing exists too~” 

He leaned closer, tilting his head to the side, his lazy eyes staring intensely at your lips. You gulped, face red. You’d never seen Atsushi’s eyes that dark and hungry before. It was really bad for the heart.

He was almost to the point of drooling. “I want a taste~” 

“Eh? You want my chapstick?”

“Un. I want.” He nodded. You reached for your bag to take out your chapstick but was stopped when Atsushi grabbed your shoulders, pulling you towards him. You yelped when his lips mashed against yours. 

His tongue sneaked out and he licked your lips. You gasped. In the background, you could hear your classmates squealing, murmuring and gasping. They were just as shocked as you were.

When he finally pulled away, you were almost fainting at the lack of air. Your lips were glossy with his saliva instead of your chapstick. He licked it all off. 

“Hmmm,” he hummed, licking his lips, a small smile on his face. “It’s sweet~”

“A-Atsushi…” you blushed, speechless. “W-why did you-“ 

“Want more~” he cut you off. “Nerunerunerune candy and (N/N)-chin taste so sweet together~” he kissed you again. Another round of squeals and gasps echoed throughout the classroom. There were flashes and you wanted to scream at them for being perverts.


“Good morning, class- WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!” The stern shrill voice of your Chemistry teacher made Atsushi pulled away. She marched over towards your desks. “MURASAKIBARA-SAN! (L/N)-SAN! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING AT SCHOOL?!”

You panicked, trying to think of an excuse. But Atsushi, being the childish and honest boy he was, answered in my place, “I was eating Nerunerunerune candy.” Then he glanced at you, lips curved up. “And (N/N)-chin.” 

You fainted from blood loss.



You opened your eyes groggily. Where were you? This looked like the infirmary. What happened? 

“(N/N)-chin is awake~” a happy voice lazily drawled from your side. You turned to see Atsushi. “How are you feeling (N/N)-chin?”

“Ah… I’m fine.” 

He smiled. “Good.” Then he shoved his big hand into his pants pocket, fishing. When he showed you what he had, you blushed. It was your Nerunerunerune candy chapstick. “Let’s use this again, (N/N)-chin~”


He didn’t let you respond, leaning forward to kiss you. You squeaked. His lips pressed against your gently. It wasn’t like the kiss back in the classroom. “Hm,” he licked his lips, “(N/N)-chin tastes really sweet even without Nerunerunerune candy.”

“Atsushi!” you whined, embarrassed. You were sure the school doctor could hear him. Your suspicion came out right when you heard awkward footsteps and the opening and closing of the door. 

“(N/N)-chin, I love you~”

“ATSUSHI! WE’RE AT SCHOOL!”                                                                                                                   


I hope I didn’t make Murasakibara OOC there. I enjoyed writing this one because Murasakibara is my second favourite. And I love Nerunerunerune candy. My cousin went to Japan and brought some back. I’ve tasted the grape-flavoured and soda-flavoured ones before. They’re delicious! No wonder Murasakibara loves them!

Who do you want next? I’m thinking about either Kise or Aomine… Ah, dilemma. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that! Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment, follow, share and vote!



P.S: (B/F/N) is best friend's name and (N/N) is nickname.

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