Shout (Hayama x Reader)

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(E/N) stands for embarrassing nickname.


"Kota-pyon, ahh~" you held out your recently bought cotton candy before your boyfriend's - Hayama Kotarō - awaiting mouth.

"Ohm~!" He bit a mouthful and pulled away from the pink cloud-like goodness. "Mmmm~ it's sweet! Ah, but not as sweet as you, (E/N)!" He poked your cheek.

Mibuchi wrinkled his nose at your antics. "The two of them are always so disturbing." He then glanced at Nebuya who arrived to his side with an armful of carnival food. "Although not as much as you."

Nebuya ignored him for another food stall.

"They're about to get even more disgusting." Mayuzumi stated with a deadpan look.

You blushed and smiled at your boyfriend sweetly. "Awwww, I love you so much, Kota-pyon!"

He shook his head with a goofy grin. "Nope! I love you more, (E/N)!"

"No, I love you more!"

"I love you more, (E/N)!"

The two of you glared at each other. You spread your arms real wide. "Well, I love you this much!"

"Hmph!" He spread his arms then jumped, spreading his legs wide in the air. "I love you this much!"

"There they go again." Mibuchi sighed. "I hope this won't be the reason they break up someday."

"Kotarō, (F/N), stop this idiocy at once." Akashi commanded at you who was now twirling with your arms spread to defeat Hayama in another one of your I-love-you-more competition.

Ever since the two of you began dating, this had been a daily habit of yours. You'd start by saying those three words then Hayama would counter by saying he loved you more and then cycle began. The two of you were so lovey-dovey that you often sickened the people around you.

"But, Akashi-kun, Kota-pyon said that I don't love him as much as he loves me! And that's a lie because I clearly love him more!" You whined.

"I was't lying! I love you most in this world!"

"Well, I love you most in this endless galaxy!"

Seeing how Akashi's brow was twitching, Mibuchi put a hand on his captain's shoulder. "Sei-chan, it's useless to talk to them about it."

As they walked around the carnival, gaining onlookers from the people around them due to Hayama and your stupid couple arguing (and Nebuya's armsful of food), Mayuzumi spotted something. "Oi, look at that."

Akashi and Mibuchi followed his line of sight to find a huge stage with a bright banner hung above saying 'SHOUTING CONTEST'.

"Are you two thinking what I am thinking?" Mayuzumi asked the two of them.

Akashi spoke. "This can be a way to settle this thing once and for all."

"Agreed, Sei-chan."

"Kotarō, (F/N)." The two of you stopped arguing and turned to see that Akashi, Mibuchi, Nebuya and Mayuzumi had all stopped walking.

"What, Akashi?"

The redhead pointed to huge stage. "I order you to join that contest and end this foolish competition once and for all."


Hayama and you waited in the backstage for your turns. Akashi and the others had already found a spot to watch the two of you without injuring their ears.

"Finally..." You grinned impatiently, "now you'll know that I love you more."

Hayama sent you a grin even cockier that the one you put on. "Ah-ah-ah, (E/N), this will prove otherwise."

When you were called, you blew Hayama a kiss before taking a spot on stage. You were handed a microphone connected to the machine which could score your shout. You sucked in air.


Everyone had to cover their ears after you shouted. You smirked smugly. There's no way a guy could ever hope to win a girl in a screaming match.

You turned to the machine to see your score and was pleased to find a '97' score glaring at you. The crowd clapped and whistled as you bowed and ran back to Hayama.

You smirked. "Let's see if you can top that, Kota-pyon."

He winked at you. "You might wanna cover your ears, (E/N)~" and with that, he proudly stepped on stage. He took the microphone and cleared his throat before taking in air.


Your ears actually ran after his very loud shout. You hurriedly turned to the machine to see his score and your jaw fell slack when it broke down because of Hayama's shout.

"T-the machine's broken!" One of the staff exclaimed. "Oi, we've got our winner!"

And as Hayama was declared the winner, accepting two tickets to a spa, he gave you a smug look and a peace sign.


"I thought I was deafened." Mibuchi massaged his ears.

Akashi took out his earplugs. "Now we know that Kotarō is the winner. The two of you can stop that foolish competition."

You pouted. "Fine. I admit that Kota-pyon loves me more."

"Of course! Nothing can beat my love for you, (E/N)!" Hayama engulfed you in a bear hug.

Mayuzumi nodded. "Finally. No more of your stupid blabber."



"Kota-pyon, want a taste of my ice cream?" You offered him your (F/F) ice cream.


Mibuchi smiled. "They're so cute~"

"Mmmm~ so delicious!" Hayama moaned, "not as delicious as you though, (E/N)! I love you soooooo much!"

"Yeah, me too, Kota-pyon~"



"Screw this."


Ah, I've always wanted to try writing a bakapuru (baka couple for those who don't know XD). This is requested by @hayamacchi. Thank you for requesting!

I'm currently on a family holiday so I may not update as often. Please be patient! I'll try my best to update fast!

This is actually my first time writing on my phone XD I usually write it on my laptop but my mum forbid me to bring it with me. If you saw even more mistakes than usual, please forget that you see anything LOL

Well, I hope you enjoyed being Hayama's for today 'cause you're going to be...


Thank you for reading!



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