Trick or Treat! (GoM + Kagami)

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(F/C) stand for favourite character.



Today was Halloween – one of the best events in the world. You always enjoyed decorating your house in spooky bats and self-carved pumpkins. Not to mention, the kids who went trick-or-treating in your neighbourhood were all very adorable.

"Thank you for the candies, (L/N)-san!" a group of children – who dressed as the plants in the game 'Plant VS Zombie' - chorused before they ran off to another home. You giggled at their cuteness.

You closed the door behind you, picked up the basket of candies and went to go to the kitchen to put them back in your candy jar when...


You blinked. You thought that all the kids in your neighbourhood had come to get their share of candies already.


Well, it seemed like you thought wrong.

Putting the basket back on the small table beside the door, you smoothed out your costume. You were dressed as (F/C) and you got to say that you looked simply amazing. If only you could show your look to your boyfriend.

Opening the door, your smile immediately turned into a surprised gasp. "Sei-kun?"

"Trick or treat, (F/N)." he sent you a brain-melting smile. Your eyes scanned him up and down and... damn. He looked good.

Akashi was dressed in white button-up shirt, black vest, black trousers and a black cape. What caught your attention was the half mask covering the right side of his face. "S-Sei-kun?" you blushed to the root of your hair. "W-what are you dressed as?"

"I'm the Phantom of the Opera. It suits me, don't you think, (F/N)?" he teased in his velvety voice. Goddammit, he knew he looked like a God. He scanned your costume. "Ah... you're dressed as (F/C). Why, you make a very lovely (F/C)."

"S-s-shut up." You shyly smoothed out your already meticulous costume. "H-here's your can-" before you could even reach for your basket of candies, Akashi took a step into your home, closing the door behind him and locking it with a loud click.

He gathered you in his arms and look deeply into your eyes as he spoke, "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude."

"W-wha- Sei-kun?!" you exclaimed, shocked. He smirked and pressed the coldness of his mask-covered forehead to yours.

"Say you'll want me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go, let me go too. (F/N), that's all I ask of..."


Today was Halloween – one of the best events in the world. You always enjoyed decorating your house in spooky bats and self-carved pumpkins. Not to mention, the kids who went trick-or-treating in your neighbourhood were all very adorable.

"Thank you for the candies, (L/N)-san!" a group of children – who dressed as the plants in the game 'Plant VS Zombie' - chorused before they ran off to another home. You giggled at their cuteness.

You closed the door behind you, picked up the basket of candies and went to go to the kitchen to put them back in your candy jar when...


You blinked. You thought that all the kids in your neighbourhood had come to get their share of candies already.


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