Jealous (Mayuzumi x Reader)

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You always had this odd interest in Mayuzumi Chihiro. You were a new student in Rakuzan high and were placed in the same class as the blank-gazed boy. You just didn't understand how he could keep his face blank all the time like that. You, for one, couldn't put on a poker face for more than thirty seconds.

"Mayuzumi-kun, Mayuzumi-kun!" you chirped as you entered the rooftop. No one was there other than said person you're looking for, reading his favourite light novel. "Let's eat lunch together!"

He didn't even spare you a single glance when you put down two boxes of bento down. "Go away, (L/N). Can't you see I'm reading?"

You pouted, "I just want us to eat lunch together. I even woke up earlier to make bento for the both of us."

"I didn't ask you to."

"But I want to!" you whined.

He sighed. You were almost bouncing in excitement when he closed his novel and put it in his pants' pocket. "Don't do unnecessary things. It's damn annoying." He spat and left. You watched as he went, a little sad.

You sighed. "I guess I should've asked before I made lunch for him."

You'd been in Rakuzan for a week now. You already had a friendly relationship with all your classmates and others from another class. Ever since you're little, you had always been a bubbly social butterfly.

But Mayuzumi was a challenge you still couldn't defeat. He's too cold for his own good. Every time you approached him with your good intentions, he would glare and bash you with his mean words.

What was it about you to make him dislike you so much? He wouldn't even look at you when you talk.

"I guess I can give Mayuzumi-kun's lunch to someone else." You sighed, picking up the lunch boxes and leaving the rooftop in search of someone you could eat your lunch with.


Mayuzumi was buying a drink from the vending machine when he heard your laughter. He sneaked a peek and his eyes almost bulged out at the sight of you laughing with (B/N) - a classmate.

He watched as you handed (B/N) the bento you were going to give him earlier. (B/N) took it with a small smile and a blush. The sight of the two of you like this made Mayuzumi bitter. That was the lunch you made for him. Just because he didn't accept it, didn't mean you could give it to someone.

Forgetting his drink, he stomped towards where you were laughing.


You were going to ask another question to (B/N) - a really dependable guy from your class, when a hand grasped your wrist and you were pulled back to a hard chest. You looked up at and blinked at the seemingly-enraged Mayuzumi Chihiro. "Mayuzumi-kun?"

He ignored you, holding out his free hand towards (B/N), gaze even blanker than usual. "Hand that over."

(B/N) nervously did, looking at you with worry. You smiled at him to tell him that you're alright. Mayuzumi saw this exchange and his gaze, if possible, seemed to turn colder. Gritting his teeth, he dragged you away from (B/N), lunch in hand.

"Wah, wait, Mayuzumi-kun!" you stumbled after him. Looking over your shoulder, you yelled out, "Thanks, (B/N)-kun! I'll talk to you later!" (B/N) shyly nodded and smiled back at you.

You followed Mayuzumi until the two of you arrived on the rooftop. He pushed you down to sit in his usual spot before sitting beside you. He opened his bento. "What were you talking about with (B/N)?"

You tilted your head in confusion. "Uhm, nothing? Why do you seem angry, Mayuzumi-kun?"

He glared at you. "Because you're too damn stupid." He picked up his chopsticks. "Don't give my lunch to anyone."

"Huh? But I thought you don't want it?"

He scowled. "That doesn't mean it's up for grabs, idiot."

"Hm..." you hummed, holding a finger to your chin as you studied Mayuzumi. "Mayuzumi-kun, could it be..." you began to giggle, "Are you jealous?"

"I'm not. Don't be dumb." His response came too fast for you to believe him.

You laughed at him. You just saw a side of him no one else had. This was a real honour in your opinion. "But you are! I would know! I've been watching you since I enrolled here and you look really angry when I offered (B/N)-kun the lunch I made for you!"

He ignored you, eating a piece of egg roll.

"Aw! Mayuzumi-kun is jealous because of me! That's so cute!" His eyebrow twitched. "You should've just been more honest! I really want to squeal at how adorable you are now! Can I? Can I?" your giggling rose in volume. "Ah, but you don't have to worry about (B/N)-kun, Mayuzumi-kun! After all, the one I'm interested in is- hmph!"

Your eyes widened, staring right into the burning blank eyes of Mayuzumi. When he moved away, you could feel the tingles in your lips left by his lips. Your face burned and you were rendered speechless.

"Shut up." he looked away, "I'm eating."



"It seems like you need more than a single kiss to shut you up."


The Mayuzumi x Reader I promise! This is requested by kawaii_polynesian. Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed it! I had fun writing this one-shot! Mayuzumi is cute so it's fun, haha!

Please keep voting for the Valentine's Day lemon one-shots, people! It's in odd numbers now! And it's five days away from your voting privilege expires, so watch out!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Just this once, I'll let off the element of surprise and tell you whom I'm writing next.


Stay tuned!



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