Chapter Fifty-Five

Start from the beginning

"You and Robbie have to help," Danny told Jack quietly. Jack glanced to Julia, who was getting her suitcase out of the trunk, totally unaware of Jack and Danny.

"What's wrong, Danny?" Robbie asked, joining them after hearing his name.

"Julia's really upset. Something bad happened to her friend," Danny told them. He could tell based on the look that Robbie and Jack shared that they already knew what had happened.

"Yeah, we heard. Is she okay?" Jack asked.

"She cried all morning," Danny informed the boys. Julia was making her way across the parking lot toward them. She was stone-faced and walking quickly.

"Good morning," Robbie said as she approached them.

"Hi," she quietly replied, not slowing down as she took her suitcase to the bus. Robbie and Jack shared a nervous look, before Robbie turned and followed Julia.

"Are you alright?" Robbie asked her softly as she put her suitcase in the space underneath the bus. She turned around, and her face didn't betray the emotionless demeanor she had.

"I'm fine," she insisted. Robbie stared at the dark plastic of her sunglasses, but he was only met with his own concerned reflection.

"We heard what happened," Robbie continued. Several of the boys were starting to load onto the bus. Jack slowly got onto the bus, glancing back to look at Julia again before he took a seat.

"Funny how that happens, but that's paparazzi. Really is shitty, if you ask me," Julia sighed, walking around him to get on the bus. She kept her voice level and casual. Robbie took a deep breath, trying not to shake his head at her. He swore she could've gone into acting if music didn't work out. 

Julia ignored the feeling of all the boys' eyes on her when she got onto the bus. Danny was just ahead of her, excitedly looking around the bus.

"OC, can I sit with you?" Danny asked, looking at the older boy, whose eyes were fixed on Julia. Jack looked to Danny, giving him a grin that Julia could tell was slightly forced. He was too worried about Julia.

"Of course," Jack assured him. Danny wasted no time taking the empty seat next to Jack. As she watched them, Julia felt a smile creeping on her face. She didn't linger, instead taking a seat across the aisle from them. Robbie was close behind her, taking the seat next to her. Robbie decided he wouldn't push her about Tommy, and she could talk about it when and if she was ready.

"I still wanna hear about your date," Julia said quickly. It wouldn't be a long bus ride to the airport, but Julia was determined to distract herself the entire time.

"Oh. Right, well, her name is Fran. We met at that Halloween party," Robbie explained.

"I knew I recognized her! Tell me everything about her," Julia demanded.

"She goes to the U. She's a math major with a music minor, and she's getting her masters in education."

"Oh, so she's smart like you?" Julia laughed, before instructing him to continue.

"She's from Long Island. She brought her friend Grace for Brots."

"Should I go interrogate Neil?" Julia wondered aloud.

"Not in front of the boys. They'll tease him forever. But hey, Grace is from California," Robbie offered. Julia's shoulder slumped slightly at the mention of her second home state. Robbie grimaced, mentally chastising himself for forgetting that California probably wasn't what Julia wanted to talk about then.

"Sorry," he said quietly. Julia shook her head, giving Robbie the best smile she could muster.

"Don't be sorry. It's alright," she promised him. She was suddenly distracted by the sound of Danny laughing, and she glanced over to see him and Jack chuckling in their seat.

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