Chapter Seventy-One

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"Yeah, Mom, my ticket is booked. I'm trying to send some of my clothes back to LA early, but of course, I'll still have a lot of luggage," Julia laughed into the phone. "Sure, Danny's truck might not be a bad idea. Okay. Talk soon."

Patti waited outside of Julia's bedroom door until she heard her hang up the phone. She knocked lightly, opening the door to see Julia surrounded by clothing. Clothes covered the floor, the bed, the vanity.

"What are you doing?" Patti chortled, looking around at the mess Julia had created.

"I've done way too much shopping since I got here. I'm gonna send a couple of boxes of clothes back to LA," Julia explained.

"Not a bad idea," Patti nodded. Julia went about sorting her clothes, but she could feel her aunt's stare concentrated on her. She could theorize what was on Patti's mind.

"Uncle Herb told you, I'm guessing?" Julia asked without pausing as she folded a pair of jeans.

"He did," Patti confirmed, leaning in the doorframe. "Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy," Julia said, looking up at her aunt. "Why would you think I'm not happy?"

"Because they called us. One night when you were out with the boys, Michael and Jim called us to see if we thought it would be okay for you to go back. They actually called before we left for Canada," Patti explained.

"Before Tommy went to rehab," Julia remembered, her face unreadable. Patti nodded and continued.

"We didn't say anything to you because we wanted to let them tell you. When you didn't tell us, we figured maybe you had decided not to go back yet," Patti told her. "We thought you'd be announcing it to the whole world when you found out. You've kept it pretty quiet for someone who's happy."

"I just didn't know how to tell everyone," Julia shrugged, dropping a blouse down on her bed. "I still don't."

"Who are you most worried about telling?" Patti asked. She walked into Julia's room, picking the forgotten blouse off the bed and refolding it.

"All of them," Julia sighed. "I guess not really Robbie. I know we'll always be friends. And Jack says nothing will change when I leave, but he can't know that for sure. And as for the other boys, who knows when I'll ever see them again?"

"Well, you'll see them in Lake Placid, if you're still planning on going," Patti reminded her.

"Sure, but after that...," Julia's voice dropped off, leaving her sentence hanging in the air.

"I know you weren't really expecting all of this to happen when you came home. I know you love the boys. I know you know that honesty is the best policy. You need to tell them. Especially Jack," Patti told her, her voice gentle but firm. "Start with Robbie if that makes it easier."

"It probably would be easier," Julia thought aloud, hoping maybe her best friend could talk her through telling the others.

"You can't wait forever. Robbie doesn't like surprises," Patti reminded Julia with a poignant look. Julia's head dropped in shame, remembering how badly she had hurt him when she ran away. Patti noticed Julia's guilt and continued. "They always knew this was coming. They'll understand, but the sooner you tell them, the better."

Julia just nodded, realizing that her aunt was correct. The two of them didn't say much as Patti proceeded to help Julia fold, organize, and pack clothes.

It was now December 11th, and the team was in Glen Falls, New York. Julia was nearly shaking in her shoes. She had decided to tell Robbie about her plan to return to LA, and she was dreading it to say the least. She hadn't been able to relax all day and through the game. Julia knew that the boys knew that something was up, but she was equally aware that something was up with them. There had been whispers and meaningful glances exchanged between a few of the boys for the entire trip.

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