Chapter Thirty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Do you want people to know about your eating disorder?" the grey haired man queried.

Luke thought about it and shook his head, only to realise that he could not be seen. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because I know people will take the piss out of me for having a girl problem," he told his ex-therapist.

"We've talked about this Luke, it's not a girl problem. It's a mental disorder that's dangerous."

"I know that," Luke protested. "But they don't."

"Then maybe you should tell them that," Alex urged. "Tell them your story. About how strong you are and maybe you could help others, Luke."

"I doubt it," Luke debated. "No one likes me."

"What about your friends?" Alex asked. He didn't know the boy had no friend at school, only Victoria did.

"I don't have any," Luke admitted embarrassedly.

"Why not?"

"Everyone thinks I'm weird."

"Really? You easily made friends at the ward," he pointed out.

"Yeah, but they were like me. They had problems that made them different too," Luke argued back.

Alex frowned at how negatively the boy was thinking. He didn't like it. Partially because it could soon affect his eating again and he'd soon be loosing weight again. "Are you happy Luke?"

"Not really," the boy said honestly.

"Why is that?"

"I feel so alone. I feel like have no one."

"That's not true. You have me. You have your family. You have a whole world of people if you try talking to someone." The blonde sighed, crossing his legs from where he sat shirtless on his bed. His room was a mess. Clothes everywhere. A few cups littered over the room. "Are you still annoyed at your mother?"


"You need to get over that Luke. I think you should talk to her. Get out and do stuff. Because if you keep isolating yourself you are going to get back into bad habits. And we don't want that do we?"

"No," the blonde agreed. "I'll try."

"Good. So 139 then, how you feel about that?" the grey haired man asked.

Looking down at his body luke took in the tiny bit of stomach he was staring to form. Alongside the little roll above it. He knew he was naturally the type of boy to have fat cling to him and he felt okay with how he looked. "Okay, I look okay as well," Luke told him.

"Are you going to stay how you are or are you going to gain more weight?" the man asked curiously knowing Luke was in control now. Not him.

"Probably gain a little more. What do you suggest?"

"To be considered a normal weight I would continue to gain until you're 150."

"Will I look fat?" Luke asked curiously knowing twenty pounds would make a big difference to what he looked like now.

"No, you'll, of course, have extra fat clinging to you but you could tone it up if you'd like. But you'd look just fine Luke."

The blonde once again thought as the line went silent for Alex. "I suppose I'll take it one step at a time and when I don't like how I look I'll stop the step before, Luke suggested.

"Sounds good," Alex agreed proud of how far the blonde had come. "Now that you're a healthy weight I can give you something."

"Give me something?" Luke asked confused.

"Have you got a pen and a piece of paper handy?" the man double checked.

"No, why?" the blonde frowned.

"Get some," Alex ordered, so the boy did.

"I have some." The man then read out a bunch of numbers and Luke figured out by the amount of them that it was a mobile number. "Who's number is it?" Luke asked curiously.

The line went dead. "Hello? Alex?" the boy called down the phone but the man had gone, leaving Luke with a number.

Curiosity eating him alone the boy decided to give it a call. Only hoping it could be one person. Pressing the call button Luke held his phone to his hear. After three rings the receiver picked up their phone.

But, unlike any usual person who would generally mutter a confused hello. This person excited asked, "Luke?"


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