Being Mentioned In An Interview

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Freddie always gets pretty flustered whenever your name is mentioned in an interview. He always laughs quietly with a faint blush on his cheeks when you're first mentioned. But then, he goes on and on about you before the boys have to stop him, having to remind him that they're almost out of time. He could go on for ages about you and how much he loves you.


Brians always pretty sweet and simple when you're mentioned. He'll answer the question asked and make a comment about how happy he is with you. He even gives a small wink to the camera along with a smile, knowing that you're back at home watching.


Roger always perks up whenever you're mentioned. He becomes more excited about the questions asked about you, almost eager to answer them all. But he just loves talking about you, about how much he loves you, about his future plans with you. It isn't long before the whole interview just becomes about your relationship with Roger.


John gets shy when you're name is mentioned in an interview. The whole time you're being talked about, he has a prominent blush on his cheeks. He'll give a simple answer to the question at first, but then he mentions how much he loves you and what a wonderful girl you are.

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