Him Meeting Your Family

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Freddie was pretty nervous at the idea of meeting your family. He didn't want to mess up and he wanted them to love him. He wanted to make a good impression the first time he would meet them. He was incredibly nervous and you kept having to reassure him that your family was going to love him. 

By the time you got there, Freddie was talking nonstop. He felt completely comfortable around your parents and siblings, talking to them as if he had known them for years. He always engaged in conversation and just like you thought, your family absolutely adored him.


Brian was pretty confident when it came to meeting your family for the first time. After all, he's been preparing for that exact moment the moment he first asked you out. He wanted to make a good impression on your family since he pictured you and him growing old together.

And just as the both of you thought, your family was in love with him. Your father was skeptical at first, but he eventually warmed up to your boyfriend. Brian always knew what to say to your family. He seemed perfect. And you were more than glad that your family loved him just as much as you did. 


You were more nervous than Roger was about meeting your family. You wanted him to be absolutely perfect but Roger didn't have much of a care. He just wanted to go with the flow and just hope that your family would like him.

It took quite some time for your family to warm up to Roger. He would usually make small, sexual, comments followed along with a chuckle which your family didn't approve of much. You would squeeze his knee gently to try and get him to be quiet. Eventually, Roger started talking about himself and the band, making your family like him more. 


John was incredibly nervous to meet your parents. He would worry that he would mess everything up and that your parents weren't going to like him. He loved you more than anything and he was terrified of messing your relationship up.

However, by the time you guys had dinner with your family, all of his worries seemed to disappear. He felt like talking to them was natural as if he had done it before. And your family loved him from the start. They thought he was a sweet guy that they could see you spending the rest of your life with. 

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