Roger Imagine #3 1/2

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Part One

You took a deep breath as you looked down at the test

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You took a deep breath as you looked down at the test. You bit your lip and smiled softly, not sure if it was even real or not. You've always wanted kids with Roger. It's something you've always thought about. You loved the image of a bunch of little kids running around and playing outside. Mini versions of you and Roger.

And there you were, sitting down with a positive pregnancy test in your hands.

And after having a talk with Roger, you knew that it was something he wanted in his future as well. 

Although it wasn't as planned out as you would have liked it to be, you were still excited. And you couldn't wait to tell your husband the news. 

Heading into your shared bedroom, you set the test down on the dresser so you would be able to show him later when he got home from the studio.

The small smile stayed on your face as you headed back into the living room, wanting to relax before you told him the big news.


It was a couple of hours until Roger finally made it home. At that point, you were close to falling asleep on the couch. But that was interrupted by the sound of Roger opening and closing the door.

You groaned quietly and yawned, rubbing your eyes as you slowly sat back up on the couch.

Roger looked over at you with a guilty smile as he hung his coat up after kicking his shoes off, "Were ya asleep?" He chuckled quietly, ruffling his hair up before heading over to go take a seat next to you on the couch. 

"Almost." You laughed quietly along with him and shook your head.

"How've you been feeling?" Roger asked you softly, draping an arm around your shoulder as he took a seat down.

He knew that you were feeling pretty under the weather lately, feeling drowsy, nauseous, moody, tired, all in all not in the best of moods. But he was oblivious to what the real reason was behind it.

You perked up slightly at the question and smiled, your eyes lightening up. Roger rose an eyebrow and smirked, clearly interested in what had gotten you so happy all of a sudden.

"I've been feeling alright, actually," You spoke with a nod of your head, "Much better than the past few days." You smiled. In reality, you weren't feeling much better than you had been. But, your mood had increased by a lot when you found out the cause behind all of your symptoms.

"Lovely to hear." A small smile made it's way onto Rogers face as he leaned in to peck your lips.

You gladly kissed him back, smiling a little into the kiss. Ever since you found out the news, you couldn't seem to stop smiling. It felt permanent. 

You slowly pulled away, holding onto his hands before setting them down in his lap, "But Rog?" You asked softly to grab his attention. You could feel your heart beat out of your chest, praying that he was going to respond positively to the news. Even though you were sure he was going to, there was always that possibility that he wasn't going to be happy.

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