Late Night Calls

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Freddie makes sure to call you every night when he's on tour no matter the time zone. But you don't mind. You love having the sound of your phone ringing waking up for you knew that it would be Freddie on the other line. You adored hearing him go on and on about his wonderful night performing and how much he missed you and the cats back at home. It always made your night.


Brian always made sure to call you when he knew you were about to fall asleep. He would calculate each and every time zone he was in to make sure that he would catch you before you went to bed. He would talk about the plans he had for you two when he came back and just hearing his voice made you feel comforted, feeling as if he was in bed right next to you.


Roger would call you every single night and he wouldn't dare to miss a phone call with you. He really showed his sensitive side when he was calling you. He didn't admit it to the boys, but he missed you terribly and he looked forward to those late night calls every night just to hear your voice. 


John would call you every night before you fell asleep. You guys wouldn't say much, but he'd sing and hum songs to you quietly while casually talking about his day. He knew that you liked calling him at night for you would always fall asleep to his voice over the phone.

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