Easter Traditions

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You and Freddie always invite everyone you know over to celebrate. It's not one of his big and extravagant parties, you two keep it quite calm instead. You just enjoy being around with the people you care about during the holidays and so does Freddie.


You and Brian spend Easter with your kids. You don't go all out and you keep it simple which is what you like. Brian goes all out on hiding the Easter eggs for your kids to find which some of them seem impossible to get. Every year, you end up finding eggs way after Easter.


You and Roger love to bake during the holidays. It never ends up good or sometimes even edible, but neither of you seem to mind. You just like blasting music while making a huge mess in the kitchen.


You and John always cuddle up with your kids and watch movies on Easter. You all just like to relax while watching your kids open up the presents that you had given them for the holiday. It's simple, but that's the way you both enjoy it.

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