Freddie Imagine #1

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You rubbed your eyes as you were sitting down on your living room couch, Freddie right by your side

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You rubbed your eyes as you were sitting down on your living room couch, Freddie right by your side. He had his suitcase all packed up in the car, ready to head off on his way.

You were dreading this moment but you knew that it was going to come sooner or later. You should have expected it, should have prepared yourself better than you had. But you didn't want to believe it. You tried to ignore the issue at hand until reality hit you once more.

"Hey, it'll be alright I promise," Freddie said with a smile at his lips, placing a hand on your knee. He gave it a gentle pat in hopes that it would calm your nerves down. He wanted to see you happy when he left, not miserable. He wanted to see that smile that always brightened up his day once more. That's the image of you that he wanted to leave with.

You sniffled quietly and nodded as you forced a smile, looking back at Freddie. You were happy for him, of course you were. You would be a terrible best friend if you weren't. You knew this was his dream. This was what he was working so hard towards, and he finally made it. 

You were there from the beginning. Always there to support them through thick and thin, through all of his ups and downs. You've been right by his side through every little thing. You were his number one supporter. 

You wanted to be happy. But the sadness was overlapping all of it. You knew you were going to miss him every second of every day until he came back home. And you knew that was going to be torture. Freddie was really all you had. He's been your friend ever since your first year of high school. You've never had to leave his side before.

"And I promise to call every night to check up on you if it makes you feel better." He chuckled softly, squeezing your knee gently as your e/c eyes still glistened with tears.

"You're going to have a blast Freddie, you don't have to worry about me." You spoke with a smile. Even though it hurt, it was his first tour after all. You didn't want to ruin it for him. It was a life changing opportunity and you would just hate to get in the way of that.

Freddie gave you a small smile before letting out a sigh. Even though he didn't show it, it hurt him just as much as it did you. Leaving you wasn't going to be easy. Sure, he was going to be with the guys, but they weren't the same. You were the one he wanted to come along with him. But with your job, you couldn't just get up and leave like he could.

"Oh darling I'll still be calling you up every night." He said with a laugh and leaned back against the couch to make himself more comfortable. It also made him feel more relaxed, helped him wash away all the negative thoughts. It was his last few moments with you. He wanted to keep it a good memory to look back on whenever he would be missing you on tour.

You laughed quietly with him. His laugh was contagious, you couldn't help it. But despite the slight hint of joy in your laugh, you were still dreading the moment where he would walk out that door. You knew that was going to be the last time you would see him for a long time. You just wished that he could stay right here with you.

"Good," You smiled, placing your hands on your knees. You rubbed them slightly and took a deep breath, a nervous habit that you had picked up. Just the thought of him leaving made you feel terrible. Even though he was still right there by your side, "I'd miss hearing your voice every night."

"Well you wouldn't need to worry about that. Every single night you'll get to hear my voice." Freddie said with a small smile, gently placing his hand on top of yours.

You looked down at your hands as your breathing hitched slightly. Although it did take you by surprise, it didn't bother you one bit. In fact, you liked it. It brought a sense of warmth. A sense of comfort.

You bit your bottom lip slightly as you kept your eyes on your hands, watching as Freddie gently interlaced your fingers together. You felt your heart race quicken slightly from the small moment you two were having. Freddie was looking down at you as well as you both sat in silence, just enjoying each others company while you still could.

"I'm really going to miss you Fred." You said quietly, your voice cracking ever so slightly as you looked back up to him.

"I'm going to miss you too, Y/N," Freddie spoke, his voice soft as he gently moved his other hand up, resting it upon your cheek, "But I'll be back in no time."

You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes as his hand grazed your skin. You took a deep breath, taking in his scent as the both of you stayed like that for a moment. Neither of you wanted to leave each other. If it was Freddie, he would take you with him without a second thought. But you both knew that you had a job that you had to go to, you had responsibilities. 

"Y/N?" Freddie whispered softly, causing you to open up your eyes once more.

"Yeah?" You asked quietly, your voice almost in a whisper as well when he got your attention. Your hand was still in his as he removed his hand from your cheek in order to grab something from his pocket.

You watched his every move, curious to see what he was getting. He grabbed a piece of neatly folded up paper before handing it over to you. You furrowed your eyebrows and was about to ask him what it was, but he began speaking again before you even got the chance.

"Just a little something for you to remember me by when i'm gone." Freddie chuckled nervously as a pink blush painted his cheeks.

You laughed along with him as you unfolded the paper to reveal what was on the inside. Your eyes widened in awe and admiration as you saw the result, "Freddie," You whispered in disbelief.

"Do you like it?" He questioned, biting his lip.

Your smile widened as you looked down at the portrait of yourself. All hand sketched. It was absolutely beautiful, you couldn't take your eyes off of it. You carefully traced the pencil lines with your finger, keeping the smile on your face.

You couldn't believe how thoughtful it was. How Freddie took this time and patience. All for you. You were always his muse after all.

"I love it." You whispered, quickly pulling him into a tight hug. He didn't hesitate to hug back.

"I'm glad." Freddie smiled widely, pleased that you appreciated his gift. He was planning on giving it to you on your birthday, but since he knew how upset you were about his leaving, he thought that it would have been a better time to give it to you instead. 

"Now I don't want you to leave." You laughed, half joking. There was still some truth behind it. You wanted him to stay home with you, but you knew that he had to leave no matter what you said, no matter how much it hurt him as well.

"Hey," Freddie whispered, gently placing his hand on your chin, bringing your face to look up at him, "I won't be gone for long. And I'm coming right back home to you the moment I get back." He said softly.

You closed your eyes for a moment, feeling your noses just barely touching. Your faces were only inches apart, "I'll be waiting." You said with a smile, looking back up at him, your eyes connecting with his darker ones. 

Freddies smile grew slightly as he leaned in, gently brushing his lips up against yours. Your heart was already racing at the contact. You eyes fluttered shut once more as your lips found each other.

His soft lips moved perfectly along with yours as his hand made it's way up to your cheek, caressing it gently. He slowly pulled back, resting his forehead against yours. The kiss was short, but sweet.

"I'll be waiting for you too, love."

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