He's Jealous

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Freddie isn't always the best when it comes to hiding his jealousy. He tries his best to hide it, but it's always so easy to tell when he's right on the edge of calling the other guy out. However, he still tries to keep his composure whenever he's with you.

There was one time however at one of his gigs where he couldn't take it anymore. He was just starting out with the band and of course you had to tag along to watch him perform. You wouldn't have missed it for the world. 

While the concert was going on however, there was another man dancing too close to you for Freddies liking. He tried to ignore it, trying to focus on his music instead. He still couldn't help but be worried though. He didn't want another guy taking you away from him.

By the time the show was over, the guy was already trying to convince you to go out on a date. Freddie watched with a clenched jaw, trying not to get worked up before he saw the man wrap his arm around you. Freddie quickly walked over to the both of you, immediately wrapping his arm around you instead as he glared at the other man. 

"Think it's time you start heading out don't you think?" Freddie gave him an intimidating smirk and rose his eyebrows. He didn't want to be too obvious that he was feeling jealous, but he hated seeing another guy that close to you.


Brian is always surprisingly calm whenever he gets jealous. He keeps his composure and tried his best not to be rude, but firm instead. He tries to give subtle hints at first that you're already taken, but he will confront someone if it comes to that.

There was one time where you two wanted to have a nice night out so Brian decided to take you to a bar for a couple of drinks to clear your mind. You were both sitting at the bar and had went to order your drinks. But much to Brians dismay however, the bartender was quite flirty with you.

He would occasionally give you a wink, slip out a few flirty comments. The whole time he was flirting he was pretty much ignoring Brians presence. Brian had first tried not to let it bother him, knowing that you weren't going to give in. But he was still feeling slightly heated nevertheless. 

He would try to drop hints that you were together, holding your hand or kissing your cheek. But yet he still didn't get the hint. That or he didn't care. It was at the point where he had to get firm and call him out. The whole time with his arm wrapped around you. Thankfully, that usually worked for him.


Roger isn't exactly the most calm when he gets jealous. He hates when he sees other guys trying to flirt with you, especially when he's right there next to you. Roger is one to let a guy know when to back off. He doesn't even hesitate one bit.

There was one time where you two were taking a stroll in the park. Roger knew you were feeling quite stressed lately and he knew how much you loved taking walks for they always managed to relax you. You two were walking hand in hand, casually talking about whatever came to mind. 

Things were quite peaceful at first until you felt someone tap your ass. You were a bit startled at first when you felt it. You had assumed that it had been Roger until you saw him turn around, facing the guy who had did it. Roger glared at the man, clearly not happy.

"Back off will you?" Roger scoffed, raising his voice. You had to pull him away before he started any kind of fight or argument, knowing he would if you let it keep going. You walked away with your hand in his, trying to calm him down as he kept giving glares to the guy behind you two.


John isn't the best at confronting people, but he will if he absolutely has to. He also doesn't get jealous too often, he usually tries to see it as a friendly gesture instead of a flirty one. But if things do get too extreme, he would say something.

There was one time where he brought you into the studio to meet the rest of the guys in the band. And Roger being the flirt he is, tried to get with you immediately. John only took it as him being nice at first so he didn't say anything.

As the day went on however, the flirting got more extreme and John found himself getting more jealous. He'd keep his arm around you, wanting you to stay close to him so Roger would hopefully stay away from you. However, John had to break when Roger tried asking you out.

He went on a full rant, but that only ended up in an argument between him and the rest of the guys. You both went home early and he never left your side. You had to spend the rest of the night explaining to him that you're never going to leave him for someone else just to calm him down. 

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