John Imagine #1

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You let out a quiet sigh in relief once you finally managed to put your young son to sleep

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You let out a quiet sigh in relief once you finally managed to put your young son to sleep. It was nearing midnight and you were beyond exhausted. Your three month year old son, Sam, has been crying non stop for the past few hours. And now matter what you tried, he wouldn't calm down. You were desperate for Johns help more than ever. But yet again, he was working late on the studio to record his new album.

You were sitting down on the rocking chair in the nursery, slowly rocking back and forth with your baby in your arms. Thankfully to you, he had finally drifted off to sleep. After all that work of putting him to bed, you were extremely tired. Your eyes felt heavy, already on the brink of falling asleep.

Making sure Sam was in a deep sleep, you slowly got yourself out of your seat to lay him down in his crib. You kissed the top of his small head before shutting off the light, quietly closing the door behind you to make sure he didn't wake up again. That was the last thing you needed.

You walked back downstairs, taking a seat on the couch. No matter how much you wanted to go to the bedroom and cuddle up in the blankets up to get some sleep, you would much rather wait on John. You fell asleep better whenever you were in his arms.

You hated how late the band would keep him, but you knew it was the best for him and the album. It was the only thing making you guys money and with the new baby, you needed all the money that you could get. 

You wanted to be mad at John for making you stay up this late waiting on him, or for leaving you alone to put the crying and screaming baby to sleep. It was all so much. You needed your husband more than ever. No matter how furious you wanted to get, you didn't allow yourself to. You knew that he was doing what he loved. He loved working with the band. And he was providing for the family that he loved so much. 

You flipped on the television, hoping that it would help you stay awake in the meantime. You fluffed up a few of the pillows and grabbed the blanket that was draped along the couch. Laying down on the couch, you tried to get yourself comfortable. You were still extremely tired and you didn't see why you couldn't rest for just a moment as you waited on your husband.

Turning your attention onto the TV, you cuddled up to the blanket, curling up on the couch. Sam was finally quiet and the only source of noise was coming from your television set. For the first time today, you finally felt relaxed. However, John was still missing.

It wasn't long before you found yourself dozing off to sleep. You didn't intend on falling asleep, but the minute you closed your eyes you were out like a light. The television was still on as you fell asleep, cuddled up to your blankets and pillows on the couch. John was still no where in sight.

It wasn't until a few hours later when the door started to creek open. John walked inside the house, carefully walking in so he wouldn't wake either you or Sam. However, he wasn't so successful at that.

The minute you heard the door, you slowly opened your eyes back up. You rubbed your eyes and yawned, not even noticing that John had come home in the first place. But a few seconds later you could hear him taking off his shoes. You shot your head over to him to see him still trying his best to keep quiet.

"Hey." You mumbled and ran a hand through your messy hair, still half asleep for you had just waken up not even a minute ago. 

Johns eyes widened slightly when he heard his voice before turning his attention back on you "Oh I'm so sorry did I wake you?" John asked, his voice quiet as he shut the door behind him, coming over to take a seat next to you.

You shook your head and sighed "No it's alright." You muttered quietly, barely awake. You glanced over at the clock to check the time, it was almost two in the morning.

John nodded slightly and leaned back on the couch, gently placing a kiss on your temple "I'm terribly sorry I'm late love," he started explaining, a slight hint of guilt clear in his voice "Freddie wouldn't let us leave until everything was absolutely perfect even if that meant staying hours overtime." he mumbled, clearly just as tired as you were.

"No I get it." you spoke, your voice almost a whisper due to how tired you still were. Just a few minutes ago you were in a deep sleep after all. You rested your head on Johns shoulder once more before involuntarily closing your eyes again. You didn't really mean to for you wanted to stay up with him for a bit longer, but you were beyond tired at this point.

As he usually would, John wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in close, placing a soft kiss to your temple as he held you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, cuddling up to him as you took in his scent. It always managed to relax you. 

"Y/N?" John whispered quietly to get your attention once more as he stuffed his hand into his back pocket to grab something.

"Hm?" You hummed, slowly opening your eyes to look back at John. You heard him crumple something in his pocket and you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering what it could possibly be.

"Well when Freddie was nagging on to Roger about some drum fill, I had some time to write a little something down," He spoke quietly, "Thought you might like to take a look."

You perked up slightly and sat up, slowly taking your head off of his shoulder. You nodded softly and lifted your hand out a little to see the paper. It was all crumpled up due to it being in his pocket for a few good hours but you didn't mind.

 You always loved seeing what John had to write, even if it was just a couple of scribbles of random words. You enjoyed seeing his creative progress. Plus you loved Johns songs. Even though he didn't sing them himself, you thought he was an incredible and talented songwriter.

Your smile only grew as you saw the lyrics on the piece of paper. It was a rough draft, but you were still intrigued as you read on. You had to admit, it was one of the best you've read of his. It could easily become one of your favorites. You looked up at the top of the paper to see the title of the new song he was working on. 

You're My Best Friend

Just reading the lyrics made your heart melt. The fact that he was still thinking of you in the studio made your heart flutter. It really showed how much he truly was in love with you. And you loved him just as much. Even after a couple of years of being married, it was clear that the love was still there for the both of you.

"It's not the best but I'm still working on it." John chuckled nervously and shook his head as he ran a hand through his long hair, hoping that you would like it.

You smiled widely and turned to face him before you leaned in, kissing him passionately "I love it John," you mumbled against his lips "I absolutely love it."

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