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Freddie kept his proposal pretty casual. He wanted it to feel real and more intimate so he kept it on the down low. And you were glad he did. You knew if he did anything bigger he would have been stressed out about it for weeks, even more stressed out than he already was. He was terrified you were going to reject him for some reason but the rest of the guys kept encouraging him until he got the confidence. 

He proposed to you when you were both staying at home. It was private, just the way Freddie had wanted it to be. He cooked you a fancy candlelight dinner and everything, wanting to make it special. As you went to put the dishes away, Freddie took the ring out of his pocket. By the time you turned around, he was already down on one knee with the ring out. 

You immediately pulled him into a kiss, overjoyed at the moment that you were left completely speechless. But of course you said yes, there was no way you could reject him for you loved him far too much.


Brian wanted to keep the proposal sweet and memorable. He didn't want to go all out, but he still wanted it to be special. He wanted it to be a moment that you would always remember and fondly look back on. He felt pretty confident, knowing that you would love what he came up with. You've mentioned marriage to him before, so he was hopeful that you would accept his proposal.

He proposed to you at your home that you shared. He had said he wanted to show you a new song he's been working on and of course you wanted to see, you always loved seeing what he was working on. For the past few weeks, he was working on a love song to propose to you with. It would have taken him sooner, but he wanted it to be absolutely perfect. By the time he finished, there were tears in your eyes and he pulled out the ring from his pocket.

You quickly nodded your head as he slid the ring on your finger. You kept the wide smile on your face as you pulled him into a hug, telling him over and over again how much you loved his song.


Roger wanted his proposal to you to be pretty special. It took his weeks to try and come up with the perfect plan. He had asked the guys for help, but they only gave him ideas of something too outrageous or of something to mellow. It was difficult for him to decide because he wanted it to be directly in the middle. He needed it to be perfect. 

He decided on proposing to you on your second anniversary. Roger had taken you to a fancy restaurant, planning on proposing to you there. Roger was pretty nervous through out the whole night, incredibly worried that you would turn him down. After all, there was no one else that he'd rather spend his life with. After your meals, he got down on one knee and proposed to you as many people turned their heads to watch the proposal go down.

You teared up at the sight, overjoyed about what Roger was asking. You didn't hesitate to accept and you kissed him deeply, knowing that you would remember this moment until the day you die.


John had proposed to you right before Queen had to go on tour. Your relationship was still going strong but John still had his worries. It was one of their longest tours yet and he was terrified that you might find someone better than him while he was away. He knew that you were loyal and you were always going to be, but he was still nervous. So, he decided on making it official before he had to leave.

John had proposed to you right before he had to drive off to the airport. You two were out by his car, saying your goodbyes as you stuffed the suitcases inside the trunk. You gave him a tight hug, telling him over and over again about how much you're going to miss him when he's gone. When he pulled away from the hug however, you saw the box he took out of his pocket before getting down on one knee.

You were already in tears from him leaving, so by this point you were full on crying. You accepted right away before hugging him tightly, never wanting to let him go. 

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