Roger Imagine #3 2/2

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Part Two

You let out a quiet sigh as you took a seat down in the rocking chair in the nursery

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You let out a quiet sigh as you took a seat down in the rocking chair in the nursery. You looked around, making sure you were satisfied with everything. 

The room was painted a pastel yellow with all of the essentials needed for a newborn baby, along with a couple of stuffed animals here and there.

While Roger was gone, you dedicated most of your time getting ready for the baby on the way. Even though it was extremely difficult without Roger by your side, you managed to get through most of it. There was still a couple of things that were incomplete, but you wanted to save that for when Roger came back home. 

But you were still satisfied with how things were going, even though you wished Roger was with you. All you wanted was him back, but you knew that he had to finish up the rest of his tour with the boys. 

You were currently seven months into your pregnancy and it was gradually getting harder to get through it all by yourself. It was the time where you felt as if you needed Roger the most.

You slowly got up from your seat with a sigh, looking around the nursery once more. You smiled softly to yourself, just picturing how much better your life would be with a little baby in the picture. And you could already tell that Roger was going to be a terrific father. 

And you couldn't blame him for being away on tour. You knew that he wanted to be here with you more than anything as well. But as you both know, Queen isn't Queen without him. This tour was important to him, a life changing event even. You knew he had to go, there was no choice in the matter.

You headed out of the nursery, going into the living room. Flipping through your records, you grabbed the first one you saw and put it in the record player. 

As you listened to the quiet music begin to play, you made your way over to the couch, laying down as you did so. A quiet sigh escaped your lips, your eyes suddenly feeling heavy. Spending the whole day fixing up the nursery, you didn't realize how tired you were becoming.

You yawned quietly, grabbing a blanket before covering yourself up in it, the warm blanket protecting you from the cold chill escaping from the windows. You kept your eyes closed and before you knew it, you were fast asleep.


You were awoken by the sound of the front door slowly creaking open. You woke up slowly, feeling dazed and confused for you had just woken up. You rubbed your eyes before sitting up quickly, realizing what was happening. 

From what you remembered, you had left the front door locked. A quick sense of fear rushed into you, thinking that someone had broken in.

You head shot over to the door while you held onto your blanket tightly, your eyes wide. However, your eyes only grew even wider when you realized who had entered the house. It was Roger.

"Rog?" You furrowed your eyebrows as you sat up from your seat, making your way over to him.

Roger chuckled when he saw you, a wide smile on his face. Just like you, he felt as if it had been forever since the last time he saw you. And you looked drastically different, but he thought that it made you more beautiful for you were carrying his baby.

"What are you doing here?" You laughed quietly.

Before he even answered, he pulled you into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close as if you would disappear if he let go. 

You wrapped your arms around his neck, gladly accepting the hug. You squeezed your eyes tight, taking in the moment. Words couldn't even begin to describe how much you've missed him. You could feel the tears prick at your eyes, just from being overwhelmed by all the emotion.

"What are you doing home so early?" You asked, keeping your arms around him as you went to face him. You could see that the smile was still plastered on his face. But you had thought that he had a few more weeks to go until he would be able to come back home to you.

"The boys let me go home early, I've been worrying non stop about you," Roger laughed quietly as he spoke, shaking his head. He continued to hold onto you, not wanting to let go. He wish that he could just stay like this with you forever.

"How's the baby?" He asked with a soft smile, finally releasing his grip on you to place his hands on your stomach.

"Good," You smiled softly, "It's been difficult without you here but it's been going pretty smoothly." You explained, nodding your head slowly.

"God I'm so sorry." Roger muttered, running a hand through his long blonde hair. He felt absolutely terrible for leaving you alone for most of your pregnancy. But you both knew that he had to do what he had to do.

You shook your head, playing with his hair gently in hopes to calm him down, "No, no, it's alright really. I understand. You had to go with the rest of the boys," You tried to reassure him, "But now you're with me and that's all that matters." You smiled softly, pulling him into a kiss.

God, have you missed his lips. You haven't realized how much you've craved them, how much you've missed them. It felt like you two were having your very first kiss all over again. 

The kiss lingered on for a while longer before you pulled away slowly. Your eyes were still closed with a smile on your lips, causing Roger to chuckle softly.

You opened your eyes upon hearing his laugh and laughed yourself with a shake of your head. You sighed quietly, looking into his blue eyes, "I've missed you." You whispered, biting your lower lip slightly.

"I've missed you too," He sighed, glancing down at his feet before looking back at you, "But hey, why don't you show me that nursery you've been telling me about?" He smiled.

You smiled widely at that and nodded, grabbing onto his hand. You knew that there was so much that you two needed to catch up on. 

Two Months Later

You held your little girl, Jenny, in your arms, rocking her slowly. The nursery felt much more complete with the whole family. 

Having a newborn around the house was a big change, but you were thankful that Roger was there with you. And he was persistent to stay with the two of you. He never left your side. Hell, he couldn't even seem to keep his eyes off of his new daughter.

You listened as Roger hummed a quiet lullaby, watching as Jenny slowly closed her eyes. Blue, just like her fathers.

You continued holding her close while swinging in the rocking chair, Rogers voice getting softer and softer as your daughter got sleepier. 

With a small smile on your lips, you leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to Jenny's forehead before getting up from your spot to put her down for bed. 

Before you could move her though, Roger stopped you by gently placed his hand on his shoulder.

"You're incredible." He whispered, his voice quiet, trying his hardest not to wake his daughter up.

You chuckled softly, blushing ever so slightly as he spoke, "And so are you, Rog. And so is she," You smiled, looking down at Jenny who was all cuddled up in your arms, fast asleep.

"I'm just so glad you're home." You whispered, looking back up at Roger.

He smiled, "Me too, love. Me too."

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