Lazy Days

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On some days, Freddie would just want to stay in bed with you for a couple more minutes in the morning. A couple of minutes would turn into hours and before you knew it, it was already the evening.

Freddie would usually just want to stay in bed with you after the night of a concert, just wanting to relax with you by his side.  He would always have his arms wrapped around you, holding you close. The only time you would ever get up was to switch the record you were listening to or to go grab some food and drinks. Other than that, you would be in his arms for the whole entire day.


You and Brian would usually plan your whole day out. You'd go to the store and grab snacks, drinks, and a couple of movies for you two to watch. You were the one who usually brought up the idea of Brian taking a break for you didn't want him to overwork himself, and you knew that he would.

You two would spend the day in the living room, cuddling up in a blanket on the couch as you watched movie after movie. Neither of you paid much attention to the movies anyways for you were always caught up in each other. Making small talk, sharing about each others days, catching up, stealing small kisses.


Whenever Roger was lounging on the couch, relaxing on the couch and listening to some of his records, you would always join him. He'd usually relax after a long day at the studio where he needed to clear his mind, and he was more than happy to let you join in.

You'd get up occasionally to switch records, but you'd be back in Rogers arms in no times. He'd hold you close to him, giving you sweet and tired kisses while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. You always loved when Roger was so tired, he was always so sweet and calm and just wanted you in his arms.


You'd usually have to convince John to take a break and get a day off. You hate when he gets stressed out so you try and get him to lay in bed with you and cuddle up for the rest of the day to get his mind off of his work.

Eventually, he'd give in and cuddle up to you, wrapping you in his strong arms. The moment he gets into the bed however, he never wants to get out until you two fall asleep. You'd give him small massages to calm his nerves as he hummed quietly to you, helping you relax as well. 

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