Concert He Takes You To

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Paul McCartney and Wings

Paul McCartney was always a favorite for both you and Freddie. And you knew how much Freddie loved Paul and the Beatles so it was your idea in the first place, thinking it would be fun. He was the one to surprise you with the tickets for your birthday, knowing how much you loved them as well.


The Who

Brian loved the idea of surprising you with a concert so he wanted to take you to the Who, knowing how much you loved the band. And he did to, they were one of his favorites. He also thought it would be fun since you always compare him to Pete Townshend and he would always joke about trying out his signature windmill move.


Led Zeppelin

You and Roger always listened to Led Zeppelin in the car, on your turntable, absolutely anywhere that you could. They were one of your favorite bands after all and Roger loved the energy they gave off. When he got tickets, of course he had to bring you along. You two spent the whole night dancing and screaming along to the songs.


Bob Dylan

You absolutely loved Bob Dylan and that was no secret to John. You listened to his music all the time and there wasn't a song that you didn't know of his. Knowing how much you loved them, John bought tickets for the both of you to see him in concert. It was one of the sweetest things that John had done for you and you both had a blast the night of the concert.

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