Brian Imagine #3 2/2

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You had spent hours getting ready to go on that 'date' with Brian

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You had spent hours getting ready to go on that 'date' with Brian. And needless to say, it was a huge waste of your time.

Liam's date showed up late, the orders got all mixed up, Brian accidentally spilled wine all over the place. The so-called date ended up being such a huge disaster. You knew that it had to be one of the worst dates you would ever go on in your life, but at the same time, it was also the best in some way.

You and Brian came back to your place laughing hysterically at the events that happened at the dinner. 

"God I can't believe you did that." You spoke through laughter as you hung up your coat, kicking your shoes off directly after, freeing yourself from those painful heels you've had to put up with that night.

"Hey, I apologized, multiple times may I add, and cleaned it up directly after. I'm sure they'd love to have me there again." Brian joked and took off his own coat which you kindly offered to hang up for him as well as he laid down on the couch, needing a much needed break.

"Oh yes, I'm sure they'd love to have your company there again." You joked around with him before sitting down next to him on the couch.

Brian rose an eyebrow playfully as he looked over at you, "Was that sarcasm in your voice I heard?" he smiled, trying his best to act offended even though he clearly wasn't the best actor in the world. 

"Not at all." You smirked and pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Hm, alright." Brian smiled and shook his head before leaning back onto the couch, picking up a book that you had laying down on the coffee table.

He kicked his feet up and began to relax, mostly just trying to forget about the night and leave it behind it the past.

You however, kept your hair on the guitarist. You watched in silence as his eyes ran along the words of the book. You were quite surprised how fast he was able to move on from that disaster date you two had just left little over an hour ago.

But little did you know that his heart as racing in his chest, he could even hear the harsh pounding in his ears.

You had to admit, you haven't had that much fun in years. Even though it was god terrible, you actually had a good time. It made you want to do it again sometime. But you thought yourself as insane to think of something like that. 

"Brian?" You spoke quietly, tearing his attention away from the book completely. 

"Yeah?" He asked, his lips forming into a small smile as he closed his books, giving you his full attention, something that you always admired about him. 

"That was fun tonight." You spoke quietly, his smile causing you to smile as well. It was contagious, you couldn't help it.

Brian laughed quietly and nodded, ruffling his hair up slightly as he looked at you, his hazel eyes meeting yours, "I would have to agree. It was a mess, sure, but it was a good old time." he smiled.

"Especially since you were there." You spoke softly, not noticing how he was slowly sitting closer to you on the loveseat you two were sat at.

You knew that the night would be absolutely miserable if Brian wasn't by your side. He was the reason that you even found it fun in the first place. He had that sort of magic to him. You loved it. You loved him, you really did.

"Y'know, I'm kind of glad you forced me to go in the first place." Brian chuckled quietly yet breathlessly, his voice getting quieter and softer as he sat closer to you.

"Really?" You smiled and looked up at him. You felt your cheeks heat up when you realized how much closer he was than before. You've never felt this way before. He was such a good friend of yours, you never even bothered to think of him as something more. But now, things felt different. Much different.

"Really," Brian whispered before slowly leaning in, placing a soft kiss to your lips which you gladly accepted, kissing him back with no hesitation. As you did so, you could feel him smile ever so slightly against your lips, "I would love to do it again." he whispered, pulling away slowly.

"Same here." you whispered before pulling him into one more kiss.

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