Break Up

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There was tension between you and Freddie and you could both feel it. He didn't know it, but there was a lot going on in your mind and that made you drift away from Freddie. You were starting to doubt Freddies feelings for you. You weren't sure if they were real anymore. But every time he asked what was going on, you only ignored him which made things even worse. 

Everything blew up on one late, late night when Freddie came home from rehearsal with his band. He saw as you sat on the couch, a quiet Beatles vinyl playing from the record player. He could immediately tell that something was up for you usually weren't up this late.

"Is everything alright?" Freddie asked from the other end of the room.

You stayed silent for a moment before speaking up, "Do you even love me anymore, Freddie?" You blurted. 

It all went off from there. He was arguing, you were arguing. He was trying to convince you that he loved you more than anything but his words just went straight past your ears. The argument ended with you in tears, leaving the house for the night along with leaving Freddie. You gave him a call that night, ending the relationship.


You really didn't want to break up with Brian, but it had been months where you were living in constant stress. Each time he went on tour, all you could think about was if he was okay or if he was cheating on you with a groupie for the band. It was nonstop worry on your end. 

It took a lot of courage, but you brought it up with Brian one night at dinner. You knew that you had to break it off with him, no matter how hard it was going to be. The dinner started out in silence for you barely said a word, making Brian concerned.

"Brian, I love you, I really do, but I don't think I can be doing this anymore." You spoke quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with Brian. 

"What?" You could hear him whisper.

"I can't see you anymore Brian. I can't be with you anymore." You tried to explain all while looking down. You couldn't bear to see his face.

You were left in a long silence, not a word from either of you. You could already feel the tears burning at your eyes. You two sat in silence before you heard Brian get up without a word, leaving the room. 


The night had started off great. You had promised Roger a fun night after work and you had it all planned out. The whole day, you were looking forward to seeing your boyfriend, you couldn't wait and so, you managed to get off early. However, by the time you got home, all of that changed.

The minute you stepped inside the door, you could hear the moans of pleasure coming from the bedroom. Your heart dropped in your chest as you heard Roger along with another woman in the bedroom. You slammed the door shut and almost instantly, you could hear the noises stop.

In seconds time, Roger ran out to the hallway with a blanket over him and his blonde hair a mess. The tears were already streaming down your cheeks. 

Roger opened his mouth to try and explain but you only shook your head, breathing heavily.

"Bastard." You mumbled before walking out of the house, leaving Roger behind. 


Neither you or John wanted to break up. But you knew that it was the best for the both of you. John was heading off on tour and you had other things that you wanted to do with your life. You wanted a career as well. You couldn't only be apart of Johns career. You wanted more than that.

John was more of a mess than you were when you two decided to break it off. You really didn't want to, but you knew that it was what you had to do.

"Please, Y/N, maybe we can make it work. We'll find a way, I-" He began, holding onto your hands tightly as he tried not to break down crying.

You shook your head, cutting him off. You didn't want to cry yourself either, "John, I love you, but we can't do this. I'm sorry." You whispered, kissing his cheek one last time before walking off, heading back into your house, never to see him again.

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