Favorite Thing About Him

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His hair (especially in the 70s)

You always loved messing with Freddies hair whether it be running your hands through it or braiding it. It was always just so long and smooth you couldn't help it. Freddie didn't mind either for he loved when you played with his hair.


His hands

Every time he played the guitar, you were almost in a trance as you stared at his hands. They moved around swiftly on the neck and you loved it. And whenever you got the chance to, you would always want to hold onto his hands.


His eyes

To you, Rogers blue eyes were stunning. They were the first thing that attracted you to him. You always love gazing into his eyes for they make you fall even more in love with him.


His smile

Johns smile never fails to make your day. When he smiles, it cheers you up instantly and you absolutely love it. It was always so genuine and you loved seeing him when he was that happy.

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