Chapter 32: Old Friend

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Kiba, awoken in a daze. He clenched his head after his headache. Looking over to the other bed, he finds Y/N, eyes dull, staring at the Blue Rose Sword.

Kiba: Y/N--

Y/N: It's you...isn't...Eugeo...

Kiba stayed quiet before nodding slightly. Y/N begins to cry more as he grips the bed sheets.

Y/N: I failed...

Kiba: What do you mean?

Y/N: I remember everything...Alice...Sortiliena-sensei...Ronie...Tiese...Selka...

Kiba: Alice, huh? (cries softly) She's...

Y/N: She's waiting for us at the End Mountains...but...

Kiba: Yeah...the way we are now...we can't--

Y/N and Kiba: Ever return home to Norlangarth.

Y/N: It's kinda funny.

Kiba: Huh?

Y/N: Many years ago, we said we'd be best friends forever...and now here we are.

Kiba: (small smile) we are.

With the Devil leaders and ORC

Rias: Norlangarth?

Sinon: The land where Kiba and Y/N hail from.

Asia: Kiba-san?

Asuna: Kiba is the reincarnation of Kirito's childhood friend, Eugeo.

Xenovia: And the original wielder of the Blue Rose Sword.

Sinon: Found in the End Mountains in the northern part of Norlangarth.

Akeno: If Norlangarth is on the other side then here...

Asuna: Is the Dark Territory. But, since Administrator and Vecta are now occupying Centoria, the Devils that lived with the humans in Centoria and the other kingdoms had moved here, establishing the Dark Territory as the Underworld of the Devils.

Sona: How much does Y/N know of his birthright?

Asuna: He may know most of it or perhaps everything. He may have already inherited the memories of his previous life.

Issei: Oh, when we were carrying Kiba to the same room as Y/N, he muttered another name.

Sinon: What did he say?

Issei: I think it was, Alice?

Asuna: Oh, that girl. I remember now.

Irina: You do? How long has it been since you've last been to Centoria?

Sinon: It's been many years now. I lost count after five-hundred years.

Issei: You've been old for that long!?

Rias: (slaps Issei's head) Issei, don't mention a woman's age!

Issei: S-Sorry.

Rias: Anyway, who is this Alice?

Asuna: I guess we should start at the beginning. Long ago, the four--

(A/N): Stop, stop, stop! That's not right! Play the right line god dammit. Let's try again, shall we?


Asuna: I guess we should start at the beginning. Long ago, there were three children that lived in the small rural town of Rulid.

 Long ago, there were three children that lived in the small rural town of Rulid

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