Chapter 27 - Drew

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Cedric fucking Livinston. I should throw the flower urchin on him at Roderick Malibu that day.

How come he is shamelessly asking me to take him to Ocean? Said he wants to surprise her. And now he was the one who was surprised because I pressed the penthouse in the elevator. I was in the hall to check on the charity event. When I walked out to go back to my house, he spotted me.

And now here we are in the elevator.

"Oh so you are the godfather for the baby"

"Her name is Charlene" I say.

"Charlene? Nice" he grins. Of course nice. Better than your face for sure.

The elevator opens, we both walk to the living room.

"Princess!" Cedric says and I swear I almost punch him right in the face.

Ocean startles and turns around, her eyes widened "Cedric?" Is that a happy Cedric or shocked Cedric or what?

Cedric comes forward, hugs Ocean and kisses her lips. What the fuck!

Ocean pulls back and starts twirling her hair with her finger. You should have given him your middle finger  instead of twirling your hair, partridge!

And my daughter starts crying. Yes baby me too. I also don't like this man. Ocean lifts Char and tries to soothe her.

"Hey she is so cute! She looks like you actually" Cedric laughs.

Ocean smiles "thank Ced. By the way what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I want to ask you about tomorrow. So, where are we going?"

What the fuck?

"Ced.. I--" but Cedric cuts her "what about if we eat lunch at Perch?"

"I... I don't think it's a good idea Ced. I have Charlene" Ocean says.

"Oh you will bring her? I thought Drew could take care of her." Cedric looks at me. "Can you Drew? Please? Just for lunch" he grins and I swear I will throw the urchin right to his face if I have one right now.

Ocean looks at me with uncertainty.

I swallow "of course"

"Perfect then" he looks back at Ocean "I'll pick you up at 11?"

"I..." Ocean shakes her head.

"11.30 then. I know you need time to get ready" he grins and kisses her again. I repeat he kisses her again in the mouth right in front of my eyes.

"Bye princess. See you tomorrow" he goes back to me "thanks bro!" he grins "I have to go back to the charity." he says his goodbye and leaves.

I look at Ocean "Drew... it's..."

I shrug "it's time for us to continue ourselves too" I say too cold to my own like. And I go upstairs to my room.

Surprisingly, tonight Char decided that she wants to sleep alone without Ocean and I. So here I am alone in my room thinking. Why did I say yes to Cedric? And what will they do after lunch?

The next day, I came down when Betsy was still preparing our breakfast. Char is next to her with Ocean.

Ocean is still in her pajamas. Did I mention that she has the most sinful at home clothes? Apparently, Ocean doesn't have any decent pyjamas. She always wears her lacy shorts and lacy tank tops. I know she is a fashion consultant, but she doesn't have to show me how great she is with her clothes. Every night she is wearing her lacy sexy set or satin dress. It's like a Victoria's secrets fashion show, you know! Is she planning to blue ball me to death and taking all my money and inheritance or what? My dick always half hard whenever she is around but at night it's hard. I told you, it's hard like it's ready to slide to her pussy! But the worst part is, this woman doesn't even realize her effect on me.

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