Chapter 49 - Drew

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I'm back in NYC. This time I'm here to meet the Goldreich. I already informed my dad and Elena about this. After all, Roderick and Goldreich are family friends. But I don't think what I will say today can keep these two families on good terms.

My dad agreed with me, he even asked me whether I want him to come with me or not. But I said this is my problem.

I also told Zac about this. He was furious when he heard about what his dad told Ocean, but back again, Ocean is my wife. It's my responsibility to protect her.

Earlier this morning I went to Ocean's place to play with Char. I don't want whatever between us makes Char feel left out. But I can't help to notice that these 2 days Ocean felt so distant. I feel like she comes to her decision. My gut says I won't like it...

But first thing first. Facing Connor Goldreich and Eleanor Goldreich.

I walked inside Connor Goldreich's penthouse. I look around. The place is still the same. Back then I often hung out here with the Goldreichs brothers and Ocean. Ocean... Back then she kept tailing us, said she wants to join whatever we played even though she is much younger than us.


I turn around. Connor Goldreich comes to me. His face is unreadable, for sure it's not friendly. After all now he knows for sure I have zero intention to help him.

I look at him coldly.

"If you come here to talk about the land, you may leave. If you come here to tell me you didn't succeed in bringing Ocean to NY you may leave." He says.

"I come to warn you to stop disturbing my wife's life" I say curtly.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I say, my voice cold.

"Okay so now since you failed the mission, you changed your way?"

"I failed my mission yes, but I never changed my way"

He frowns, confused.

"My only mission is to make Ocean happy. I failed it because you came to LA and crushed her hurt. I tried to protect her from you, but obviously I failed. As my way, nothing changed. I want nothing from the deal. Right from the beginning."

"You don't want to?" He chuckles "then why'd you agreed?"

"Did I ever say yes to you?" I snap at him fast. I know he will say that.

He blinks.

"You assumed I agree. I didn't correct you because I wanted to buy some time to find Jeff. But I never wanted Ocean to come back to NY. Did you know who boosted Ocean's career?"

His eyes a bit widened but he managed to compose himself so fast. I almost didn't see it.

"Yes, I opened the door for Ocean. And because she is talented, she gained a lot of client in few months"

"Why'd you have to do that?"

"Because I want her to be happy. Contrary to her dad who doesn't care about her life, I care about her. So Connor I warned you now. Stop fucking with Ocean's life. She doesn't want anything with Goldreich. You promised her 2 projects and then she can pursue her dream job as a fashion consultant. For once in your life, fulfilled your promise to her" I say slowly to make him understand my every fucking words.

"What do you mean once in my life?" His face red.

I glare at him "have you ever fulfilled your promises to her?"

He stops and blinks.

"I guess you know the answer." I nod. "So stop disturbing her life. I warn you, Connor. You are her father, Ocean always trying her best to follow what you want. But I'm not. I'm a Roderick and you know family is a priority in Rodericks. Her name is Ocean Roderick. Think twice if you want to disturb her life. I meant it, Connor" I look at him hard.

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